1 John’s “Maya”

WED., APR. 5, 2000, 8:50 AM

It is ironic, isn’t it, when you read and study, even contemplate, the writing of this chosen John, that while it seems confusing and inconsistent it also is quite spiritual. John implies that he is “saved” from sin, and so are those to whom he writes, but he also affirms the presence and power of Satan, who “encourages” sin. He extols love as the counter to sin, but then seems to assume that love can be controlled, generated… is volitional.

So, what do I, Holy Spirit, Who certainly was with and was an influence upon John, have to say about sin and salvation… and what about “maya”? There was a certain accuracy in your statement, in the discussion, to the effect that John’s word-picture of life has a definite “yoyo quality” to it. The “world” tempts you, and you sin, moving away from God. Then you repent, you are forgiven, and you are back “saved” again. Then you sin… and the “cycle” is repeated. (It does seem to be like a yoyo, doesn’t it!?)

My interpretation to you (and it is a “super maya” that Holy Scripture has only one meaning) is that if you truly accept Me, as Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (!), you do not sin, in the spiritual sense. (That means that if you have some sinful thought or act in some sinful way your faith in and acceptance of Me as the True Reality of earth life annul the sin. It’s better if you ask for forgiveness, but it finally isn’t necessary).

But if your acceptance of and faith in Me is weak, spotty, unsure then when you sin there is no “cushion”… you have to consciously and spiritually ask for forgiveness, which, at certain times, can leave you “wallowing in sin.” You can be saved, of course, but I wait on you to really turn toward Me.

Then if you ignore or reject Me and My “offer” to you, both sins and good works are noted, and, in a sense, “you’re on your own.” Some of such lives appear to have some merit, but there is still the “evaluation” when you come across, and most of such lives produce an undesirable karma. And the “try again” may be tougher.

But of course though this seems like three alternatives, it really is more of a continuum, with lives being anywhere between complete and obvious salvation to firm, definite denial of Me and this whole concept of continuing life. And, to complicate it further, most individuals display some “movement” along the continuum, either way… even during hours, a day, a week…

The maya that John suggests is that anyone can sin and yet still be saved… or… one can be lost to sin, but be leading an apparently sinless life. There also is a “maya” quality to My allowance that I do choose some of you for salvation, while others must “work at it,” with both spirit and actions. Why would I do this? REMEMBER… My Love for Diversity.

You noted that John implied, at least, that there was an unforgiveable sin – the non-acceptance of Me, as Jesus, as a human who was “among you” and then died as a “gift” to those who would accept it. But what if an embodied immortal soul did truly reject this premise (with no sinful actions) and thus committed an unforgiveable sin, BUT then was called by Me (and I declare that there are no restrictions on Me for such an action) or, in maturity, responded to some other “call” to believe? Would the unforgiveable sin be forgiven? You suspect I would say Yes.

It just is fun to let Holy Scripture be both an Answer and a Question (and a lot in between). Consider, fundamentally, that the Old Testament proclaims that the Jews are My Chosen People. Yet I came, as Jesus, as a Jew, gently proclaimed My particular Sonship, but was rejected, even crucified for such audacity. Those who believed in Me, Jews and Gentiles, established a “fuller” religion, Christianity, but Judaism continued. And I, Holy Spirit, am an influence, also, in Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other lesser faiths. Thus, it is Truth that I Am an aspect of the Triune Christian God, and it is also a maya that this limits Me to such an association.

WED., APR. 5, 2000, 8:50 AM

It is ironic, isn’t it, when you read and study, even contemplate, the writing of this chosen John, that while it seems confusing and inconsistent it also is quite spiritual. John implies that he is “saved” from sin, and so are those to whom he writes, but he also affirms the presence and power of Satan, who “encourages” sin. He extols love as the counter to sin, but then seems to assume that love can be controlled, generated… is volitional.

So, what do I, Holy Spirit, Who certainly was with . . .

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