
MAY 21, 1981, 6:03 AM

Prayer, o son, is one of the fundamental religious practices. Positions in prayer are many, and each one has an important symbolism. You see, because prayer is basically talking to Me, the One True God, positions are important to some people and some religions because the position displays the relationship between Me and thee.

If a religion emphasizes the Exalted Nature of God and the lowly nature of humans then prayer is properly done only in some abject position – on the knees or in a virtually prone position. In addition, some would have prayer be painful, because the living of life by imperfect humans is painful to the perfect God. So, as the supplicant suffers her prayer will be heard. Know that this is a desirable attitude and position in regard to prayer, for I am Exalted and mankind is, therefore, lowly. This is legitimate, but not the only way.

For, amazingly, there are many other kinds of relationships between Me and thee… right up to one of you standing and My taking the lowly position. As Almighty God I created all that is… went as a pillar of fire before My chosen people… and still create miracles which show My domination over all of this creation. As humble servant I lived as Jesus, suffered scorn, and death on the hated cross. (Worry not over whether I was wholly in Christ… or praying to Myself… that is all narrow thinking and inadequate for knowing Me. I was wholly in Jesus who was the Christ and yet I was also wholly Other. That is Truth.)

So prayer, in a way, represents the relationship between Me and the one praying… or ones. As Jesus I was, in effect, praying to Myself. I was in a body in the earth at a particular time and under specific circumstances. The spirit that developed in Jesus was Me, the Holy Spirit. I was in perfect at-one-ment with Me, the Almighty, through Me, the Spirit. Yet prayer was an important part of that life. And it was real… though difficult to explain in Western terms of thoughts.

You are not much of s systematic, dedicated pray-er. Interestingly, you pray well in public, aloud, and speaking for a group. Spontaneously, you usually grasp the nature of the situation quickly and accurately, and you communicate to Me, well, with a fine choice of words. As you attempt to pray silently to Me about personal matters the communication usually breaks down. That shall be so unless you do something to change it. Oh, if I want you I can get your attention, and I know you want continuing relationships, but for better experience with prayer, the initiative must be yours. So I have said.

MAY 21, 1981, 6:03 AM

Prayer, o son, is one of the fundamental religious practices. Positions in prayer are many, and each one has an important symbolism. You see, because prayer is basically talking to Me, the One True God, positions are important to some people and some religions because the position displays the relationship between Me and thee.

If a religion emphasizes the Exalted Nature of God and the lowly nature of humans then prayer is properly done only in some abject position – on the knees or in a virtually prone position. In addition, some . . .

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