A Christian Experience

MON., JULY 27, 1987, 1:45 PM

You are back to your familiar territory, and there is much to do before the fall term commences. The Christian experience you just have had is past, but it was both enjoyable and worthwhile… one deserving of some post-comment from Me. You carried out your commitment faithfully, and it also helped with your need for less food. Be sure you share those Teachings with Lenore and Mabel.

A Christian experience can be a solitary one, with Me or with Jesus. No other human need be a part, and it can be in any place. Or… a Christian experience can be with people, in a wide variety of settings and tasks. It can be religious, or even not so. Or… a Christian experience can be in a particular place, a holy site of some sort, recognized initially or not.

The one you have just had combined all of these elements in an ideal fashion for you. I definitely was there with you, and you set aside time for a daily meditation that offered Me opportunities to comment on events, concepts, and happenings. The place was a nice campus, but it had become “holy” through all of the previous Schools that have assembled there. You picked up this sense of “specialness” from those who had been there before, and this was an element in the Christian aspect of the week. The people were friendly Christians, and you related well with them. You have good capacities to relate to a wide range of Christian folk (you did well with My Latter Day Saints yesterday), but you are the most comfortable with reasonably open-minded Presbyterians. Life experiences were similar enough that interactions were easy and fun and profitable.

The activities were diverse, and you certainly took advantage
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of the range and variety. You did more Bible reading and studying than is usual, and this, by definition, is a Christian experience. You consider returning for a repeat experience, and this seems good. If you were selected as a teacher that could give you yet another Christian interaction. Pursue this possibility and see where it leads.

A Christian experience, then, is one where you are associated with the Christ spirit in some way, or many ways. Remember that the face of Christ is potentially yours to enjoy through the faces of many humans. Some of these are strong Christians themselves, and their relationship with Me just shines through their faces. You can see this, and recognize it rather quickly. Others show forth Christ in actions, words, and being, so you have to be in and around such longer to recognize this.

Then, if you have My spirit fully and consciously you may see the face of Christ in persons who would seem to be poor candidates for such an “honor.” This is a very exciting and energizing experience when you can have it happen.

Music was part of this fruitful experience and it was a joy for you to be part of such a fine choir. It is good to know that you can become a functioning part of a choir with no current experience. Think of the juxtaposition of this experience just completed and the one at Central Union so many years ago. Such a recollection can be another Christian experience. Memories do count.

There was no sadness nor catastrophe at that place. These are other means toward Christian growth. You certainly don’t need to wish for such, but just know that tragic events can be unique Christian experiences. The Teaching for yesterday’s class emphasized this, and the recollections of the deaths in your family were the pertinent illustrations. Do not shy away from such opportunities, even as they seem not to be ideal.

MON., JULY 27, 1987, 1:45 PM

You are back to your familiar territory, and there is much to do before the fall term commences. The Christian experience you just have had is past, but it was both enjoyable and worthwhile… one deserving of some post-comment from Me. You carried out your commitment faithfully, and it also helped with your need for less food. Be sure you share those Teachings with Lenore and Mabel.

A Christian experience can be a solitary one, with Me or with Jesus. No other human need be a . . .

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