Let Me Choose

FRI., NOV. 11, 1988, 6:32 AM

It is reasonably early, and you come to spend this first waking hour with Me. You commence the process and await a theme. Your mind roams to events present, past, and future, seeking an appropriate theme. Then comes the message, “Let Me Choose.” You are here because you are in a close relationship with Me, and you accept the premise, generally, that I am the best judge of what you should be hearing. So… record a Teaching about submission to My will, o son.

Free will is a powerful gift that I have given to humans. It is part of your spiritual endowment, even though it appears to be a function of mine. It is like unto the relationships among spirit and the emotions. For example, love is an emotion, and a person with a very undeveloped spirit can love. Yet the quality of that love and the capacity to love when there is no reciprocation increases mightily when spirit is strong, and the love is more of a spiritual than an emotional expression.

In like fashion, a person with minimal spiritual development can exercise free will as a function of mind… and may be quite proud of such an attribute. Yet the acts which result from such a manifestation of will may be quite silly… even dangerous. Exerting one’s will may become the major goal in life, irrespective of the content of or effects from such choices.

With spirit strong you should see free will as a shared responsibility, and with more maturity you increasingly let Me choose. In regard to these Teachings I respect your wishes and often will give you one that you want or that someone else, known to you, needs. But I know your needs better than you do, and, finally, I am the Teacher and you are the learner. You will learn what is most important if your basic practice is to let Me choose.

As the Hoy Spirit I have no desire to dominate you or take the place of your free will. I want you to be the fullest functioning human person you can be, and that isn’t possible without an active partnership with Me. Paradoxically, as you let Me choose, your own capacities for exerting you will wisely increase. When I give you a title the Teaching will be of more value than if you have decided alone. In partnership with Me your mind and spirit work more together, and your learning is the best.

You should acknowledge, increasingly, that major decisions in your life have been made with My help, even at My direction. We have an obvious relationship now
7:19 AM / 1:34 PM
but you can increasingly know and admit that I have been the “chooser” in many of your earlier life decisions. And aren’t you glad I decided to make you conscious of what I can do in a human life!

The author you are reading and studying now has a powerful faith in the human’s capacity to exercise will and make choices. As I said, this is a tremendous gift I have given, but, as with any great treasure, it is more blessed to share it or give it over to another than to keep it just for self. Still, he calls for the use of this will to act in ways that benefit others and the earth. This is “the next best thing” to letting Me be the chooser.

I want the best for you… and for others and for the earth on which you live. Sometimes what is truly best for you does not seem so at the time, because it brings more benefit to others. I encourage you to see, therefore, that when you ask Me to choose, whatever happens is, finally, best for you. Strive not to be disappointed when you have really given Me the chance to choose, but look for the good that is yours to enjoy.

FRI., NOV. 11, 1988, 6:32 AM

It is reasonably early, and you come to spend this first waking hour with Me. You commence the process and await a theme. Your mind roams to events present, past, and future, seeking an appropriate theme. Then comes the message, “Let Me Choose.” You are here because you are in a close relationship with Me, and you accept the premise, generally, that I am the best judge of what you should be hearing. So… record a Teaching about submission to My will, o son.

Free will is a powerful gift that . . .

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