This Wonderful, Crazy World

SAT., SEPT. 24, 1994, 12:02 PM

Well, o son, this hasn’t been a good week for Us… you and Me. You have missed having Teachings, but life seemed a bit too hectic and pressed each time you considered this “use of time”… or non-time. But here you are, at an unusual time, with the coolness of Fall suddenly upon your homeland.

You knew the title yesterday, but you’re not certain exactly how I shall develop it. Hear Me now. As you read, hear, and see news reports you could well conclude that this is truly a crazy world. There are wars and skirmishes. There is brutality and murder. There is greed and also scarcity and want. If I’m in charge of this world why is there all of this that seems to be news in your culture? Well, I also note that 17 people, young and old, gathered this morning to hear and react to you, as a part of becoming hospice volunteers. Hospice is part of the wonderful world I see much more vividly than the sordid. Some of these men and women will, as active volunteers, give some genuine and appreciated service to persons close to death and their family members. It will not make news broadcasts, but I am aware and I appreciate this giving of self.

It was an item of front page news that the Cobden band returned from their trip to a sister town or village in Canada. There was a wonderful relating in this journey, with music as a means of friendship and unity. When youngsters from 2 small towns in different countries (but with the same town name) play the same piece of music together there is relating that I call spiritual.

You used music and stories this morning in your well-developed but imperfect style you helped some of those who heard feel some of the different ways that death can be envisioned and described. You suspect that the Christian perspective will dominate, for it should be the strongest motive for joining a hospice team. I want you to continue this small, sometimes inconvenient, service. Hospice is pleasing to Me, and what you do as a volunteer is also valued by Me. I tag this as part of the wonderful world I see.

Disappointment was yours to have when there was no response from Matthew at his home. It is wonderful that he has the means to live a comfortable life, in contrast to your fears for him as a younger man. He does use his money in some quite commendable ways, and then counters with some crazy, irresponsible uses, from My perspective. Never give up on this son, and continue to support and encourage him. Don’t react to his lack of interest in and attention to you. Do unto him as you would want him to do to you… rather than as he has done to you. I still await the turning of his spirit to Mine. If I am patient, so can you be.

SAT., SEPT. 24, 1994, 12:02 PM

Well, o son, this hasn’t been a good week for Us… you and Me. You have missed having Teachings, but life seemed a bit too hectic and pressed each time you considered this “use of time”… or non-time. But here you are, at an unusual time, with the coolness of Fall suddenly upon your homeland.

You knew the title yesterday, but you’re not certain exactly how I shall develop it. Hear Me now. As you read, hear, and see news reports you could well conclude that this is . . .

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