
DEC. 7, 1980, 5:52 AM

Pains are of different origins. Pains remains. Pains pass. Pains are part of the world I have created, o son. So meditate this morning on some of the varying pains you experience.

This is the fourth anniversary of Peter’s departure from the earth. The pains of that experience have subsided, mostly because I have confirmed what you believed about the continuation of his life and growth. There are still throbs from time to time of that pain which comes from the feeling of parental inadequacy. Could different actions of yours brought a different course to his teenage life? You know that you are forgiven for mistakes made those years ago… and you know I disapprove of holding on to guilt and “making yourself hurt”. Your major concern now is that you not “misuse” Peter’s death as a part of your teaching. That is a proper concern. Continue to pray about this, and, yes, I shall help in keeping the perspective a true one.

So, the pain of Peter is mostly gone. Healing has taken place, but there is a scar. It is the nature of some scars to give forth a vestigial throb from time to time. Accept that as a positive part of your life.

The pains in your leg are present and physical. As you have reread and analyzed the teachings from last year you become aware of pains past that have truly passed and are no more. You feel sure that your body’s natural capacity to heal shall win out over this present discomfort, and you know that I have emphasized that pains of different sorts are important parts of life. You realize there may be a purpose to these leg pains… or that they are just accidental, but now become a test of your spirit. The most important thing is that you give as little attention to the pains as possible… that you give your true attention to the important things you still have to do before leaving. And also accept, with a loving spirit, Lenore’s ministrations. When she wants to help, let her… and accept her concern gratefully. The pains shall pass, but not immediately. You have some more to endure.

You also are experiencing the pains of realizing, from these important rereadings, how imperfect you have been in carrying out the admonitions, suggestions, and “commands” I have given you during these months of teaching. You read of clear directions I have given, last year, and you know that some of these have not been carried out. And, rightfully, this is a fount of pain.

DEC. 7, 1980, 5:52 AM

Pains are of different origins. Pains remains. Pains pass. Pains are part of the world I have created, o son. So meditate this morning on some of the varying pains you experience.

This is the fourth anniversary of Peter’s departure from the earth. The pains of that experience have subsided, mostly because I have confirmed what you believed about the continuation of his life and growth. There are still throbs from time to time of that pain which comes from the feeling of parental inadequacy. Could different actions of yours . . .

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