A.A. And Spirituality

FRI., NOV. 22, 1996, 12:01 PM

Your task for the morning was one of those that you have sometimes enjoyed – the prospectus for the doctorate. This is one that could lap over into your time of retirement, but the topic and the method are of interest to you. Increasingly you can “pick and choose” according to the topic, the method, and the student.

You are not surprised that I have some comments on this issue and, also, on the prospectus meeting. I am the Holy Spirit, intrinsically interested in all matters spiritual. Listen, o son.

Alcohol, in beverage form, is one of My unique creations (speaking as the Creator God). Did I know it would be a cause of the amount of harm that is both evident and hidden? Of course. There is virtually nothing that I have created, or allowed to be created, that is wholly good… without any harmful “side effects”. The most obvious example is you humans. You are made in My image and are My most wonderful creations, but what harm you cause… to each other and to this earth, your temporary home.

You see, I see mainly the incredible “big picture”, and I see more love, cooperation, sacrifice, and compassion in human motivations and behavior than I perceive anger, hate, violence, and selfishness. So, too, I see alcoholic drinks being a part of positive living much more than as an allower of negative, harmful actions. But I do see the addiction condition developing in some, and I see some lives made wretched by the results of alcohol abuse.

Then I see A.A., a strange but often beautiful fellowship of people, using spiritual practices to stop harmful drinking and to reconstruct a good life. As you know, I do like and favor diversity in human life, including the spiritual dimension. I tell you that I favor the Christian way, and I encourage you to be a practicing, committed Christian. This is partly because I was an active, recognized part of this Christian story, and I am acknowledged as part of the Godhead, though I definitely have 3rd billing.

Yet you also know that I also like other approaches to Me and to spiritual growth. I don’t mind being called a Higher Power by these folks who come together to help each other maintain sobriety and live life more positively. Sure, I was a help to Bill and Dr. Bob as they put together a rather simple “religion” that has been effective with many people who have alcohol problems.

All who are part of the program are not equally powerless over alcohol, but there is some merit in affirming and accepting that you are. Out of surrender and humility can come power. This is a spiritual truth that is not necessarily logical and rational. It’s sort of a version of “the last shall be first, and the first, last”. Accepting your powerlessness over alcohol can free you to reorganize your life in more positive ways, but this must include the continual reminder of this power that you can’t overcome. Keep coming to meetings and reminding yourself of how life once was lived, in contrast to now.

When you have the strength, assurance… even power… to help others struggling with their “one day at a time”, this can be a marvelous means of strengthening your spirit.

For it is, finally, spirit that overcomes the craving for and the dependence on alcohol. Those who say they can do it with their own wills, sometimes can, but it is almost always with the power of spirit. (I can help people who don’t believe in Me and who never realize they’re being helped. While being recognized is pleasing to Me, I don’t need acceptance. Remember that I “work” when, where, how, and with whom I choose).

Like humans and like alcohol, A.A. groups are not perfect, and, occasionally, they can do harm. Your American Counselors have a right to criticize the A.A. approach, but I see bad results, along with the good, in their work, too.

FRI., NOV. 22, 1996, 12:01 PM

Your task for the morning was one of those that you have sometimes enjoyed – the prospectus for the doctorate. This is one that could lap over into your time of retirement, but the topic and the method are of interest to you. Increasingly you can “pick and choose” according to the topic, the method, and the student.

You are not surprised that I have some comments on this issue and, also, on the prospectus meeting. I am the Holy Spirit, intrinsically interested in all matters spiritual. Listen, o son.

Alcohol . . .

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