A B Movie?

WED., FEB. 26, 1997, 8:39 AM

Brave enough you were this morning to suggest that this Good Friday (whoops, Maunday Thursday) story in Matthew was like unto a B movie. You could have gone on to share what I have told you, fairly often: that My spirit of fun and humor is often present in Holy Scripture. It is evident to only a few, and you do run the risk of castigation for identifying such, by some sincere servants of Mine.

We could just say that Matthew would not have much of a career as a screenplay writer. Or… I could say that I guided him in the writing of this story so that it does have an almost absurd quality to it. I want you to opt for this second explanation.

It begins, the story, that is, with Me, as Jesus, telling My disciples, who had been with Me, in all sorts of evangelistic experiences for three years, that I was going to have to die, as it had been prophesied… and written. You try to find the written prophesy, and the Bible gives you no help. Is this sad… or funny?

Then I go to a home, and a woman comes up and pours expensive oil over Me. The disciples suddenly think of the poor and declare that she could have sold the oil and given the money to the poor folks (the undeserving, like Alfie?). Then I respond that “the poor you have always with you… this was a way of preparing My Body for burial”. Did this mean that it is more important to give to My Body, now, the Church, even to preserve a structure such as your church is, rather than to a mission to the needy? Well, it could.

But… no followup… just a movement to Judas, feeling some compulsion to “betray” his friend, Jesus. In this story Judas seems to have no good motive… just the reward of 30 pieces of silver. He is “hired”, and suddenly we are in the Last Supper, rather suddenly arranged and assembled. The serious portion is My instituting some of the words of Holy Communion… this bread is My Body, this wine is My Blood. This is said in the context of “I will soon die”, and they still can’t understand this. Several ask, “Is it I?”. No response. Judas asks if it is he, and I say yes. Nobody seems to react… a rather comic ending to a sacred event that is the keystone sacrament for Christians of all varieties today, nearly 2,000 years later.

Then I go to pray, to exhibit My humanness. I take along Peter, James, and John and tell them to stay awake. Do they really understand what they just have experienced? Apparently not. They all go to sleep. I wake them up. They fall asleep again. Is this a funny scene… or what? My three “best” disciples… how can they fall asleep? A humorous twist!?

Then comes the meeting with the “law enforcers”, “the Keystone cops”, as you described them. They don’t know who I am… “which one is Jesus?” Judas greets Me, and they spring into action. I’m hustled off to Caiaphas… but not before one of my sword-carrying disciples wounds someone. I say something about living by the sword… like don’t… and I’m gone.

There is no clear evidence against Me, so I finally declare that I am the Messiah, and I soon will sit on God’s right hand. The priest rips his clothes at such blasphemy, and others demand My death. Meanwhile Judas tries to give the silver back and, in remorse, hangs himself. Before this Peter has declared that he would never deny Me. I say he will, three times, before the cock crows. I’m right. The cock crows, and Peter realizes he also has betrayed Me. Does he go out and hang himself? Nope. He’s a “good guy”, finally getting credit for founding the One True Church. End of this portion of the story.

WED., FEB. 26, 1997, 8:39 AM

Brave enough you were this morning to suggest that this Good Friday (whoops, Maunday Thursday) story in Matthew was like unto a B movie. You could have gone on to share what I have told you, fairly often: that My spirit of fun and humor is often present in Holy Scripture. It is evident to only a few, and you do run the risk of castigation for identifying such, by some sincere servants of Mine.

We could just say that Matthew would not have much of a career as a screenplay . . .

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