A “Busy” Afternoon

FRI., DEC. 8, 2000, 3:52 PM

It has been a “busy” afternoon, even as you have spent most of it in this chair. Friends and family have been here to wish you well, and this new phone (thanks to son Matthew) makes it easy to exchange greetings with others who call. The fire burns nicely in the stove fireplace, and you’re finishing off another day of healing. The feet are sore, but you like to believe son John Patrick when he says “they look a lot better.”

Continue to see this as quite a unique life experience. Except for your feet, you feel fine, but feet are important to full, healthy living, and these are “losses,” hopefully of the temporary sort. You are appreciative of the help you’re receiving, and be sure you express this appreciation, lavishly. You have had few painful, handicapped experiences like this one (which make you a fortunate human), but you are now in the midst of this one, and, as I’ve emphasized, this is essentially a spiritual challenge and opportunity.

To be restricted in this way, and to have this be painful is a spirit-challenging “combination.” Yet you don’t feel that you would “exchange” this for B.J’s situation… hours of painful dental work… and being “forced” to confront a deep addiction to nicotine. He, of course, if much younger than you are… he “fits in” easily as a son of yours… Yet, for all the discomfort you’re having, you prefer it over those he is facing. The challenges of life are many and varied. Always consider that you may be relatively fortunate.

You are fortunate to have both sons John Patrick, and his family, and Matthew living close and being willing “care-givers,” all in their own ways. Small John Isaac was not feeling well, but it still was “healing” to have him in your arms and in your chair, with you, for even a short while.

Be sure that you remember… when you are healed and functioning fully (as possible) again… how welcome these “visits” were… and… take future opportunities to reciprocate when other friends or kin are injured or ill. You do, with our orientation to positive health, tend to forget how it is to be “the one who needs help.” Accept this as a spiritual challenge, when this one seems to be forgotten.

It seems as though you should be “pain-free” now, but you have to admit that there is a definite “aura” in your left foot. Is there some “value” to this pain, or can it be “buffered” without harm? You realize that, in general, pain is an appropriate bodily response to certain conditions. ( 4:35 / 10:14 ) The medications you ingest do buffer the pains, and you are glad that you live in an era in which pain can be diminished. Perhaps it will be even more effective in the future (of which you won’t be a part)… OR perhaps the causes of pain will continue to “adapt”, always somewhat ahead of the body’s powers.

And now some comment on one of My favorite evangelists, the Rev. Billy. He is aging, but he continues to preach the message that I gave to him, now many years ago. His son, Franklin, somewhat “proud” of some early rebellion against this evangelistic home, now seems comfortable in being his father’s “understudy,” ready at any time to take over the mantle I have laid upon Billy. Billy is obviously proud of Franklin, but it will be difficult for this dynamic elder to finally admit that mental and physical weaknesses begin to “cut in on” the power of spirit.

You know how this feels, at an age even younger than Billy. You hope there will not come a time when you will have to admit that you no longer can hear Me accurately. Death at a “younger age” could be preferable to such a loss. You hope (and you should) that this relationship with Me, Holy Spirit, will be clear and true until close to your bodily death. Trust, of course, that I will advise you, even if it is time to “quit.”

FRI., DEC. 8, 2000, 3:52 PM

It has been a “busy” afternoon, even as you have spent most of it in this chair. Friends and family have been here to wish you well, and this new phone (thanks to son Matthew) makes it easy to exchange greetings with others who call. The fire burns nicely in the stove fireplace, and you’re finishing off another day of healing. The feet are sore, but you like to believe son John Patrick when he says “they look a lot better.”

Continue to see this as quite a . . .

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