A Call For Help

SAT., NOV. 19, 1983, 6:13 AM

“Reluctant” is the word to describe you this morning, o son. Oh, you are here, but you are not very open to hearing what I offer on this warm, windy day. It shall be a Teaching, but it shall have some prophetic quality, also. No, the purpose and format of these is not changing, but when there is a cry for help you should respond… even in your reluctance.

A call for help is one human response to a feeling of need. It has a quality of weakness to it, but each human should have a life rhythm that includes some weakness. Further, since helping another is an action from which spiritual growth comes, this becomes possible when weakness and need are acknowledged. You do not do well with such opportunities. It is a weakness of yours, from which strength could be gained.

I gave you a Teaching some weeks ago with some comments on Kris, which you did share with her. That rekindled a desire in that young woman to know more of her proper role in this life and of My “plan” for her, if there is such. You can be the messenger for these purposes, if you will. (Naturally, I do not offer you a “free” choice. You can refuse, but hear that I want to use you in this way.)

The life that Kris is now leading is not in shambles now, but it does lack clear direction. She is hearing a call from Me, but she has had little experience in responding to such a call. Yes, she is an unlikely servant of Mine by objective judgment of her present life thus far, but I must tell you that this superficial judgment is not sufficient. She has more spiritual strength than she shows and than is evident to her. Her life thus far is not an accurate representation of the development that her spirit has achieved, in other realms as well as in the earth.

Now this spirit is responding to Me, and her strong mind and emotions are resisting such a change in balance. You are here to help with this shift in balance and rhythm that is now in process. You see, what may appear to be weakness is really an evidence of strength exerting itself. She has a stronger spirit than she acknowledges, and she is resisting its response to Me… an opportunity for more growth, which is the most fundamental purpose of life, in the earth and elsewhere.

It shall be appropriate for Kris to accept this aspect of herself and to begin to exhibit it more openly. This need not be a dramatic change, but some who now know her will interpret it as such. Some shall be surprised and even disappointed in these changes, but others (some quite unexpectedly) shall be pleased and supportive. She shall be in a new and healthier fellowship with some others as she comes closer to Me.

She shall begin to recognize spirit in her teaching experiences, and shall include “spirit” more comfortably as she teaches about this quality of being and becoming called health. She shall communicate these experiences to you, and you shall be the initial means by which they are communicated on to others. You need no more detail now. Just trust Me to guide and direct as this is necessary.

SAT., NOV. 19, 1983, 6:13 AM

“Reluctant” is the word to describe you this morning, o son. Oh, you are here, but you are not very open to hearing what I offer on this warm, windy day. It shall be a Teaching, but it shall have some prophetic quality, also. No, the purpose and format of these is not changing, but when there is a cry for help you should respond… even in your reluctance.

A call for help is one human response to a feeling of need. It has a quality of weakness to it, but . . .

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