A Call… The Call

MON., MAY 10, 1993, 5:44 AM

Fourteen years is not an auspicious number. 1979 was not a particularly memorable year, yet on this day, in that year, those years ago My Spirit called your spirit, to both a relationship and a task. You responded with a promise. The action would follow on the morrow, according to the promise. You wouldn’t know then that this is now a firmly established part of your life, and I can still awaken you, even after a sleep too short for the activities of yesterday and today.

I, Who called you then and Who call you now, am the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, One with the Father and the Son. Christian creeds declare this, but then it is not at all clear how and when I “work.” It is not orthodox, nor is it expected, that I should be coming directly to you, urging you to write down what you hear. These, typically, are not messages of instruction or prophesies about how life will be in the future, even as I do call some persons, even this day, to have such a mission.

No, these are Teachings, for it is your destiny, here in the earth, to be a teacher. This time it is also your privilege to be a professor, one who has researched and given thought to a field, or a sub-field, and who thus presents original ideas, not just those formulated by others. I thus give you valuable resource materials, in the form of these somewhat ritualized, 3 page, hand-written Teachings. They have taught you much… about teaching and guiding the learning process, as well as valuable thoughts concerning all of the areas in which you teach.

This call to you has been one of countless calls to humans. In your religious tradition I called Abraham to be faithful to me and begin, in an unlikely way, the lineage of the Hebrew people. How odd of God, to choose the Jews. And why Abraham? I called Moses to do a job he didn’t want to do. He was saved from death as a baby so that he could do My Will, and yet he could not benefit in the way he expected. I called prophets who were reasonably faithful and accurate in what they said I said.

I came into the earth as Jesus, and I called 12 disciples… and others who were not so “officially” designated. After My death I called Paul, to both found churches and write letters that would become Holy Scripture. I have called men, such as David, to be kings and rulers. I have called women to tasks, not recorded well in the Scriptures, because of the culture. You are in a special, albeit uncomfortable, relationship with one I have called in your lifetime, Mabel. She has served Me well, as a Christian woman and as a prophetess, a messenger from Me to innumerable people who have earthly spiritual problems. She continue to serve Me well, even in her 9th decade of earth life.

I have not given her to know that this is not her first call from Me. She shall be somewhat surprised when she finally returns to Me from earth tasks and realizes how her “previous” experiences were vital to her success in this call. And yet it was a call to be fundamental and Pentecostal, making it necessary for her to reject, strongly, this concept of everlasting life. On the other hand, you have been given to know of life’s eternal nature and to know that this is not your first call, just a special one for this particular earth life.

MON., MAY 10, 1993, 5:44 AM

Fourteen years is not an auspicious number. 1979 was not a particularly memorable year, yet on this day, in that year, those years ago My Spirit called your spirit, to both a relationship and a task. You responded with a promise. The action would follow on the morrow, according to the promise. You wouldn’t know then that this is now a firmly established part of your life, and I can still awaken you, even after a sleep too short for the activities of yesterday and today.

I, Who called you . . .

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