A Call To Spirit

WED., DEC. 7, 1983, 7:58 PM

The call is coming from Me, o son, in concert with your own spirit, and the call is to not forsake this research and inquiry field in which you are pioneering… the realm of spirit as a part of health. The presentation and activity in this evening’s class did bring you back to what you have been involved with in the past. It also should push you to return to that as soon as you are able and continue to develop this reality.

It was disappointing to have that excellent paper dropped from the special journal issue on research, but you shall not have all the success you would like to have, even in this that is important to Me. It still is important for you to deal with disappointments and with relative failures. The balance of achievement and failure is that from which spirit grows.

The next professional paper to write is that dealing with perspectives on death, which shall have a good deal to say about spirit. Then you must reconcentrate on the spiritual stories, writing another group, as numerous as the ones you now have. This is a form of research of which I approve. It is somewhat like unto the parables that I, as Jesus, used in My teaching ministry. Within the next few years you shall introduce this as a form of doing and reporting research. Some shall scoff, but some shall pay attention. Just know that what I shall have you do and say shall not be accepted by all of your colleagues… but shall be respected by many who are servants of Mine.

As you complete this “stay” with the Evangelical Presbyterians make an assessment of their concerns for health, noting that there is very little that is overt and direct. Perhaps you shall find some contrast with the Latter Day Saints with whom you shall next join. Yes, you must read My servant Paul’s chapter again and let that be part of the introduction to this next lesson in spirit.

You shall not plan to travel during this coming break time, but the time is, nevertheless, a call to spirit. With class work behind you, carry out a resolve to write more letters, do more visiting, and have people come, by invitation, to your Farm. Winter is a wondrous time for spiritual fellowship. Take opportunities and make yet others. It shall be a rewarding time.

Of course I remember that this is the seventh anniversary (in earth years) of My supreme call to Our son, Peter. He joined Me quickly and without reluctance. As he saw his earth life he felt sorry… for those that he did hurt. Still, he knew, in a general sense, that he helped you and his family grow, even as he was a difficult son. He learned from that experience, and he makes progress, even now. He is not close to being the Rock that his name represents, but… he progresses. And so must all of you.

Matthew still is resisting Me, but he is having experiences that shall prepare him for eventual service. He shall be a unique servant, and I say again that he will be such.

The long overdue letters to Mabel and Bill shall come forth from this approaching time. Consider these carefully and include appropriate Teachings. Your offerings shall not bring immediate and magic oneness, but they shall represent a call to Spirit for each of these precious ones. Do these with love and care.

WED., DEC. 7, 1983, 7:58 PM

The call is coming from Me, o son, in concert with your own spirit, and the call is to not forsake this research and inquiry field in which you are pioneering… the realm of spirit as a part of health. The presentation and activity in this evening’s class did bring you back to what you have been involved with in the past. It also should push you to return to that as soon as you are able and continue to develop this reality.

It was disappointing to have . . .

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