A Chance To Tell…

FRI., FEB. 27, 1998, 6:23 AM

Ahead of you lies… a chance to tell… the story of you and Me, Holy Spirit. This group will have heard from many folk with unusual spiritual experiences. Thus, on the one hand they will be open to hearing your unique tale, but on the other… well, it’ll just be another strange manifestation of spirit. And, of course, it is.

You should emphasize, and I know you will, that there’s nothing special about you that would make you deserve this relationship with Me. I just made an unlikely choice. Did I know you would be faithful to this time-consuming “task”? Did (and do) you have “free will” in this matter? Could you still be in bed this morning?

As I’ve told you often you have a will that can be called “free”. But I also have a will, and it also is “free”. What happens when I really want something? I usually get it. At first, I had to make the Teachings both personal and interesting. I exerted both will and skill. You liked what you wrote. So now you have a form of “positive addiction”, so you come easily and fairly often. Yet I still urge you… “lean on you”. It’s not so much a clash of wills as it is My overcoming other detractors.

Have I arranged this opportunity for you to tell your story? Just accept that I am involved, and I do want you to do this. I let your will prevail when you were actively teaching. Just in the last year did I push for some “revealing”. But now there is no strong reason why more folks shouldn’t know about what We do together.

We’re in our 19th year of Teachings, and time can be an important criterion for some. You have over 60 volumes of these “originals”, good evidence of a mutual relationship. Even so, you still are reluctant to identify yourself as one who hears, as often as you wish, from the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. With this group you will make this claim. Technically this is a form of what is called “automatic writing”, but I don’t call it such, and neither should you. The process is a mystical one and can never be described fully or accurately in words that every one can understand.

I want you to prepare for this, and I’ll offer you plenty of help… are you surprised? And then I’ll say that you have been prepared for occasions such as this by this very process and by the quite tangible Teachings that result. You have plenty of “evidence”. You’ll just need to organize it in some way.

If I want more people to know about spirit and about the mystical aspects of life and health why am I not more aggressive in “getting this message out”. The answer is the one you expected: I love diversity, and this earth scene is just about as I want it to be for spiritual growth and development. (I’m sure you’ll tell them this!)

You’re an “oddity” in this culture at this time, but, also, it is a culture that can allow you to be “odd”… if you’re not too blatant about it. With this “gift” you don’t fit well into your church group, so I have allowed you to “be in the closet”, as you continue to enjoy and profit from the fellowship with these folks. There are groups that could accept this “gift”, but you wouldn’t be comfortable with them, for other reasons. Just accept, in the spirit of fun, this opportunity to tell more of your story than you usually do.

FRI., FEB. 27, 1998, 6:23 AM

Ahead of you lies… a chance to tell… the story of you and Me, Holy Spirit. This group will have heard from many folk with unusual spiritual experiences. Thus, on the one hand they will be open to hearing your unique tale, but on the other… well, it’ll just be another strange manifestation of spirit. And, of course, it is.

You should emphasize, and I know you will, that there’s nothing special about you that would make you deserve this relationship with Me. I just made an unlikely choice . . .

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