A Change Of Plan

TUES., MAR. 23, 1993, 7:31 AM

You have taken the action. The convention in that Eastern city shall not have you as one of its happy, but frazzled participants. You struggled with the decision, but not it has been made, and the rest of the week shall be lighter and somewhat less pressured. I wasn’t directly involved in this change, but I shall comment on it, as I have seen it develop.

This is the early part of a time of transition for you. It is a time of slowly withdrawing from professional meetings and the associations that you have enjoyed over the years. You have experienced this happening with those who have been your mentors and senior colleagues. Now it shall be you who is increasingly “not there.” Always know, however, that this is not a withdrawal from life, but just a shift in emphasis toward your more local opportunities, toward your family, your church, and this place, your Farm.

As you were giving up the pleasure and the struggle of this time away you were accepting several assignments as an Elder in the church. You shall be able to mail out your family letter with some notes appended, and perhaps even some of the Ruminations shall be on their way before the month’s end. As you consider the time you can see how pressed you would have been if you had tried to do “everything.”

Time with Lenore shall also be more available, obviously. This is your most important relationship, and even though she was not against your going, she shall be pleased that you shall be here. Not only will you have time together in these next days, when you would have been gone, but there will not be the pressure and tasks that would have been yours on your return, to keep you apart. Keep this partnership warm and active, which requires time that you must give… which is pleasureful time.

It is time to plant. Spring is on its way. If there is to be food and flowers in a few months there must be planting now. Your time will shift from the woodlot to the garden, from firewood to flowers. You could not have accomplished this under your “original plan.” Now there is some time.

You shall have your regular time of study and discussion tomorrow, and the worship service on Sunday. The Newsletter shall be written on schedule… perhaps even the Session minutes. You see that your life is quite full of worthwhile activities without this “extra pleasure.” You should feel some regret that you will miss the renewing of friendships, for these have been important in your life. They shall continue, through your correspondence. And all of this is more possible if you maintain your health. You are not old yet, but you are aging, and, as you well know, you can’t do all that you once did, without some threats to your continuing health. There must be time to relax and enjoy.

TUES., MAR. 23, 1993, 7:31 AM

You have taken the action. The convention in that Eastern city shall not have you as one of its happy, but frazzled participants. You struggled with the decision, but not it has been made, and the rest of the week shall be lighter and somewhat less pressured. I wasn’t directly involved in this change, but I shall comment on it, as I have seen it develop.

This is the early part of a time of transition for you. It is a time of slowly withdrawing from professional meetings and the . . .

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