A Change Of Season

SUN., SEPT. 25, 1994, 5:30 AM

The cool air of Fall has definitely arrived, and you are experiencing another change of season. The fans can be put away, and it would be more comfortable this morning if your little stove were going. It shall be time for sweaters and flannel shirts, putting away the aloha shirts and shorts. Your wood supply shall become a more important issue. And conventions loom as the semester is now 1/3 gone.

I have commented on your desks, and this one is now worse since you cleaned off the kitchen table. You can’t put off the tasks that are piling up…and you still haven’t started on Our Ruminations, which must be in the mail before you leave for your first convention. Yes, you’d better make a new list and prioritize.

Yet I don’t want these pressures to take away from your appreciation of this beautiful Fall season. It is a time of turning, of change in the environment, and I do want you to feel and enjoy this change.

It is early yet, but I do want you to write and send out a “Christmas letter” this year, probably just after that celebration of My birth as the baby Jesus. Many people missed that short story of your life and that of your family, and that is a minor mission of yours. It isn’t as vital as Our Letter, but it is something you should do each year. Because it didn’t come forth last year I press on your for one this year… and earlier than usual.

You don’t have much confidence in the worth of this physical therapy that you have begun. It would be joyous if this change of season brought strength back into your foot, and this could be a small means, even as it brings no spectacular results. Remember that you learned from Me, and you included it in your letter to the surgeon, that a slow recovery, with work on your part, can be a time of spiritual growth. The quick, miraculous way is not the only nurturer of spirit.

Jane is appreciative of your verbal and written responses to her fears and her spiritual pain. For you this is a season to be helpful to her by your love and attention. You are not a therapist or a counselor, and this is not a season to become one, but it is an opportunity to be a caring friend for one who calls on you in an obvious state of dysfunction. Her conversations within herself are guided and inspired by spirits, some evil. It is a hard time for her, as she remembers experiences that are part of the “dark side” of earth life. She can grow from this time…it is a “dark” season for her. I am quite aware of her, and I oversee the balance of spiritual forces. You have a leg problem. She has a spiritual problem. I want you both to grow from these challenges. Continue to relate to her.

SUN., SEPT. 25, 1994, 5:30 AM

The cool air of Fall has definitely arrived, and you are experiencing another change of season. The fans can be put away, and it would be more comfortable this morning if your little stove were going. It shall be time for sweaters and flannel shirts, putting away the aloha shirts and shorts. Your wood supply shall become a more important issue. And conventions loom as the semester is now 1/3 gone.

I have commented on your desks, and this one is now worse since you cleaned off the kitchen table . . .

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