A “Chosen People”?

WED., MAY 31, 1995, 11:55 AM

The focus in your breakfast, Bible study group this morning was John 4, Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. According to most interpretations Jesus was being rather “far-out” in talking with a woman… and a Samaritan woman to boot. Jesus was a Jew, and Jews considered Samaritans as “lower class,” even though they presumably worshipped “the same God,” but in a different location. They also expected a Messiah, the Christ Who would deliver them, in some desirable ways (even from Jewish contempt?)

As Jesus I told her about living water… and after drinking of it she would thirst no more. She was intrigued by a “water” that would save her endless trips of carrying water from Jacob’s well. Then I pulled her from a hoped-for physical reality to a spiritual one – I was that living water… come unto Me, and you will thirst no more. As the story ends I have stayed two days with her fellow Samaritans, and they have accepted that I am the awaited Messiah.

The story has Me, as Jesus, saying that the Jews are God’s chosen people, and the Old Testament certainly emphasizes this. Spiritual power is in the Jews, even as I knew, as God in human form, that there would be some “converts,” but the Jews, as a people, with their spiritual leaders would not accept Me as their awaited Messiah. Thus, you Christians talk about a New Covenant… but how does it relate to his original special choosing?

Then last evening you watched a reenactment of Polynesians setting out in canoes across the wide Pacific Ocean to establish new colonies… at the same time this New Testament story was occurring. What about these people, in relation to “chosenness”?

As you suspect there is an element of mystery to this concept of chosenness. The Jews were chosen, and are still My chosen people. Christians who accept Me, as the Christ, are especially chosen. One is not a higher chosenness than the other. I also have chosen the Polynesian people, the Native Americans, the black Africans, and… I just am a “chooser galore”.

It is perfectly proper to value being chosen by Me through relating to Me as Jesus. Yet this does not entitle you to put yourself ahead of all others, because your chosenness is the best, and everyone should come on your path. Remember the truth that the first shall be last, and the last, first. It is not in My way of thinking to rank order My chosen people. And I am especially pleased when some who are not specifically chosen come to Me anyway, in some fashion. Remember… as you have done it unto one of the least of these, My creations, you have done it unto Me.

It is fascinating for you to consider that you may have lived and served in one of those Polynesian “expeditions.” You have a “feel” for that, so just accept it without exerting effort to verify what you feel. Just enjoy the possibility. (One of the bonuses in leaving your earthly body is the privilege of knowing what you can’t know here and now.)

You are a Christian, born again twice, who are part of a chosen, covenanted people. You have been chosen by Me, as an individual, to serve in this way for the rest of this adventure in the earth. Does this make you superior to other Christians? to other chosen individuals? to the many who are not Christians, by choice or by family and culture of origin? These are questions about mystery, with answers that are both Yes and No. You are… and you aren’t. No one is superior to you… and many have callings beyond yours.

WED., MAY 31, 1995, 11:55 AM

The focus in your breakfast, Bible study group this morning was John 4, Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. According to most interpretations Jesus was being rather “far-out” in talking with a woman… and a Samaritan woman to boot. Jesus was a Jew, and Jews considered Samaritans as “lower class,” even though they presumably worshipped “the same God,” but in a different location. They also expected a Messiah, the Christ Who would deliver them, in some desirable ways (even from Jewish contempt?)

As Jesus I told her . . .

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