A Christian Sense Of Self

SATURDAY, SEPT. 19, 1981, 7:31 AM

The letter from your nephew and My servant, Mark, which came yesterday, has to be the basis for a teaching, for it brought evidence of yet another person who shall be affected by these meditations… that We do together. His point was a perceptive one: a Ruminations dealing with injury, pain, and healing is not too relevant to one who is young and healthy. The up-coming issue, on the Spiritual as the Unifying Dimension of Health should be more interesting and helpful to young Mark. But more immediately I shall speak to this title above.

The essence of the self is spirit, but as this spirit is manifested in human form it becomes part of a more complex self… a physical body, a rational mind, a panoply of emotions, being and functioning and adapting in both social and geographic-physical environments. The spirit grows and develops in each person, then, in this holistic mixture. If the spiritual dimension becomes the unifying force then the personality, or the self, develops in the most balanced way, for life as a human and for the continuance of life as spirit. Spirit can increase (or decrease) in and of itself in other realms of being, but the opportunity to be part of a human person here in the earth is a unique and potentially profitable one.

As I have told you before, I, as the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, did not need enhancing through My life in the earth as Jesus. Yet that life was an important experience for Me. Since I became and was a human self I have an important other perspective that is a part of Me as I guide you, and Mark, and many others in development of a Christ-like self.

So, when the spirit is the unifying, facilitating aspect there is the best possible rhythm to self. Well, not quite. When your spirit turns to My Spirit, to Me, comes to know Me and “is in Me” (as I promised), then the balance is optimum. You see, too much independence is unhealthy, just as too much dependence is. Being utterly dependent upon Me is desirable, in order to function more fully and effectively as a Christian self in the world. Dependence on Me for its own sake may be satisfying personally, but I want you to be active, useful servants of Mine, making the earth a better place. Use your relationship with Me as that motivating, energizing force. There is none better.

The same principle holds for other relationships. Independence is a quality to be given away. You can be most healthfully dependent upon others if you do so with an underlying sense of independence, made possible by a dependence on Me. You give to others because you have, and you have because you have given to others and received from them… and from Me. To him who hath shall more be given…

Having a Christian sense of self is partly conscious and partly unconscious. At times it is important to focus on Me, to read the Scriptures, to worship, sing praises, pray, and otherwise consciously and actively be in Christ. At other times it is proper to “forget” this identity and just be the person you have become, at that point and in that situation. Then, later, you may reflect upon how you were… and learn from that reflection.

As Jesus I did and said some things that seemed not to be “consistent with My Nature as the Lord God”. And some of them were not. Yet they represented Me, Jesus, whose hand was forever and fully in that of My Father. “Me and My Father are One” (It could be “I”… “Me” just sounded better at that moment!) Perfection is not a set of prefixed, discernible behaviors. Rather it is being in steadfast relationship with Me, and then “just being” what that relationship enables and empowers you to be. Look back and learn… yes. Look back and lament or feel guilty… unnecessary. My forgiveness is in order that you, and Mark, might serve Me, actively and positively. I am with you.

8:52 AM