A Class Completed

SAT., JULY 28, 1984, 5:54 AM

Yesterday saw the completion of your summer workshop for this year, and it was a memorable enough finale for Me to comment. Though there are some aspects that do belong especially in this summer format, there are others that definitely should be part of most of the other courses you teach… in which you direct the learning. Hear, o son, as I, whose major function is teaching, do reflect on this class completed.

It was a reasonably diverse group, just three weeks ago, and this class experience brought them into quite a loving, caring group, one in which matters of the spirit could be spoken of freely. This is evidence of the power of your spirit directing the class, mobilizing the power of other spirits in the group, some quite well developed. There is always the potential for this, but most educational experiences do not accomplish this important possibility.

The picture of the class group was an unfortunate omission. I reminded you of it during the afternoon, but you were not seriously enough attuned to Me or the importance of the picture to respond properly. Yes, do take a picture of the Practicum group and include this. In the future, with all classes, take a picture early in the term, and then another near the end. This is a symbolic action, for a picture is tangible evidence of a group… and you do feel that it is a shame that this class group, certainly, was not captured on film.

You know some of the reasons for this cohesive spirit, but let Me review them here. One is the ever-recurring use of group discussion and action, with the groups ever changing. In a small group people feel freer to speak and to interact, but it is then important, usually, to return and let it be seen that each small group is a part of the whole… that each has an importance. The utilization of groups in the preparing of the food yesterday was a particularly good idea… and should be repeated… for this is a very tangible evidence of group functioning. This can be applied in class groups in the future. Don’t let this be forgotten.

Another important factor, which fits here, is the inclusion of food and the eating experience as part of class learning. Yes, you did miss offering a blessing yesterday, and as you think about it you know it would have been appreciated by the majority. I have given you that Hawaiian song of blessing and it fits many situations where a more blatant prayer might be divisive. The other good strategy is to have a member of the group offer thanks. It can be more effective and accomplish well the imperative of thanking Me for the blessings of life… and you should never forget, in your affluence, that food is a continuing blessing.

SAT., JULY 28, 1984, 5:54 AM

Yesterday saw the completion of your summer workshop for this year, and it was a memorable enough finale for Me to comment. Though there are some aspects that do belong especially in this summer format, there are others that definitely should be part of most of the other courses you teach… in which you direct the learning. Hear, o son, as I, whose major function is teaching, do reflect on this class completed.

It was a reasonably diverse group, just three weeks ago, and this class experience brought them into quite . . .

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