A Class On The Bible Challenge!

THURS., AUG. 3, 1995, 12:40 PM

Your muse this morning contained an appreciation for this office and how difficult it will be to give up, and turn over to a younger colleague. Part of your appreciation, of course, comes from the fact that you have had many fine Teachings here… and Teachings are just about “the best things you do” now. Here you can be as quiet and isolated as in your study on the Farm and thus able to hear what I pour into your ear. And, remember, you have almost 2 full years in which this shall be your domain. It is good to feel this appreciation, but you must not be attached. When it is time, you shall leave it and move on, happily, to the next chapter in the spiritual journey that is your present earth life.

Speaking of this journey, it was good that Lenore reminded you, last evening, of My repeated affirmations of care for you, including the provision of means to carry on your life comfortably. I realize your concern… and the fact that you really didn’t remember how much money you owe because of help to your sons and their families… for being debt-free when you retire. That’s a worthy goal, and I’m not against your trying to achieve it. You’re right. While I do approve of this current plan for retirement, I am not ordering it. You still teach classes quite well, and in ways increasingly pleasing to Me. You leaving the classroom will be a loss to some possible future students, so I would not object to your postponing the demise of your career. I’ll continue to advise you, never fear. But this all doesn’t relate to the title, now does it?!

A class, now called a Forum (sorry!) looms for you in the Adult Study program, starting before this month is over. You hope for enough people to make it interesting, but you can be assured that it will be worthwhile for you, whatever the “enrollment.” It will be an interesting challenge for you, because you are not really a beginner yourself in Bible study, and you shall have to be empathetic as to where various members of the group are. It must not be a mostly lecture format. Use some of your techniques from these many years of classroom work… handouts, small group discussion, stories, present-day applications… You needn’t make it burdensome, but I do call on you to be creative.

The little book here on your desk, contributed by Richard, appears to be a good help in getting started. I still want you to focus on stories, but you can create ones that aren’t directly obvious in Scripture. You should check, this week, to see if it is locally available. I’ll remind you again that you can’t count on everyone to be present every time, nor on those who are present to have pre-read the material for any Sunday. So you’ll need to have periodic reviews and to organize it so that each Sunday morning has integrity all its own and will be of value to anyone “popping in” for just that “lesson.” You can wish for more dedication, but don’t count on much.

THURS., AUG. 3, 1995, 12:40 PM

Your muse this morning contained an appreciation for this office and how difficult it will be to give up, and turn over to a younger colleague. Part of your appreciation, of course, comes from the fact that you have had many fine Teachings here… and Teachings are just about “the best things you do” now. Here you can be as quiet and isolated as in your study on the Farm and thus able to hear what I pour into your ear. And, remember, you have almost 2 full years in . . .

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