A “Coming Together”

WED., MAY 10, 1989, 6:21 AM

The letter from Mabel, a prompt response, was wonderful evidence to you that she does care about you and is trying to reconcile her knowledge about and from Me with what I offer you. It should also tell you that I am working actively in and through both of you, even as your “ministries” are somewhat different. There are a few differences in the view of life, here in the earth and everlasting, that I give to each of you, but I encourage you, as I did her, to focus more on the similarities and areas of agreement.

My Holy Scriptures, written long ago now, in earth time, are still amazingly relevant to this era… and sufficiently complete. There are a few changes, which she can overlook more easily than you can. That is, you are more willing to judge that if one Scriptural premise or practice has changed then others may also. Also, if the Scriptures do not clearly indicate some truth, that is revealed in some other way, other truths may also be more evident, say, through Me.

This is pretty obscure, so, as you expected, I shall clarify. One of the great truths of the biblical tradition is that worship of the Lord God is crucial to the development of spirit and necessary for those who serve Him. An important aspect of that worship was animal sacrifice, and I indicated clearly which animals were acceptable and which were not. The shedding of blood and the burning of flesh were important aspects of proper worship. Should they still be? Should women still have no major role in the leading of worship? Can one man’s sin or one man’s salvation be sufficient for his whole family?

Yes, there have been changes, and some portions of Christianity have accepted some changes, while others desire to be more “fundamental.” What a slippery concept that is now, but how important to some. There is little Scriptural basis for much of what you do in modern life… no basis for technology, for the economic system, even for a political system. And yet I tell you again that the Scriptures are sufficient… and that I offer you up-dates for your better understanding. These seem to contradict, but they both are true.

The Scriptures offer no clear teaching on the details of everlasting life… and whether one possibility is a return to earth life in human form, more than once. I have told you this is possible, and you are aware that you are not here for the first time. There can be no resolution of this with Mabel, so just avoid the issue whenever possible. She has inclinations to reject your whole spiritual path because of this, but continue to share with her evidence of My reality and “good Teachings” in your life.

And, yes, the Scriptures do not picture Me, as the Triune God, as having a sense of humor and fun. You know this is so, and it is true. I am having fun in bringing two servants on slightly different paths, together. Should I, as the Holy Spirit, be doing this? Why not?

You note the date, and you realize that this is the tenth anniversary of the “lost” manuscript and of My powerful call to you to come, generally in this time of early morning, to learn from Me in this unique way. You have been relatively faithful, and you have grown in the process. Is ten years a long time or a short time? Obviously both. Does your faithfulness in this relationship guarantee you a trouble-free life? No, it doesn’t. Can you enjoy what you are experiencing, as if it were correlated in some way with your spiritual progress? I certainly recommend it.

WED., MAY 10, 1989, 6:21 AM

The letter from Mabel, a prompt response, was wonderful evidence to you that she does care about you and is trying to reconcile her knowledge about and from Me with what I offer you. It should also tell you that I am working actively in and through both of you, even as your “ministries” are somewhat different. There are a few differences in the view of life, here in the earth and everlasting, that I give to each of you, but I encourage you, as I did her, to focus more . . .

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