A Conflict

TUES., JAN. 7, 1986, 5:23 PM

I shall not chide you for lack of commitment, for I realize the adjustments you’re making now. You shall work out the morning time problem soon, I’m sure. Though you were not prepared with the appropriate paper you did respond quickly to My invitation, and I welcome you, in this unlikely place for this activity.

The conflict to which I shall speak is that between those who see the environmental crisis worsening, and those who feel that all problems of this nature can be solved, and will be. Often neither party in the conflict considers My presence, My influence, and My will; the issue is complex, but it is essentially naturalistic. Occasionally some one on either side will give Me consideration. One side considers that I want the earth to be a natural garden, and am made unhappy by the pollution and degradation that humans now are creating. The other feels that I have made the human as a special creature, with a brain capable of inventing and developing, so I want this human to utilize capabilities and make of this earth a better place, with a lot of technology.

Knowing that what I offer to you is not necessarily universal truth (though it could be, of course) you can’t be sure that what you shall write is the final answer from the Holy Spirit. Perhaps there is no final answer as long as life teems in the earth, and the physical portions respond. But hear Me again on this important issue. (Don’t forget that important Ruminations as you organize this environment course.)

There is some truth on either side, so the conflict is a legitimate one. I have created the human as a very special manifestation of Me (even with imperfections, disabilities, cancers, and all), and the technology that characterizes your age and culture certainly could not have developed were it not for gifts from Me. And greater things shall humans do because I commenced the creation process and still oversee it. Were it not for “modern life” there could not be the number of incarnated spirits that I am with in the earth now. There just are consequences from such development. Airplanes fly, and occasionally one crashes. Operations are performed, and occasionally a patient dies or suffers in some other way. The printed word shows forth Scripture and inspiration… and words and ideas unfit to read.

As part of God-given intelligence humans can adapt when there is danger. So, as threats surface and are acknowledged humans will change things… will seek to balance off the problem, even though this may create a new problem. Hence, here in the earth I am not opposed to the creation of new problems, for each is an opportunity for spiritual growth and for loving service.

At the same time I love My total creation, and the balance for best life and health involves many creatures and plants. So I am not completely happy with changes that threaten certain species and other forms of life and non-life. You experience a bit of My feeling when you cut down a live tree to provide heat or kill an animal for food. The interactions of life are sometimes hard to accept, even if the end is a desirable one.

If a conflict is truly “one-sided” then it eventually is resolved. If a conflict is a genuine one it remains, even through attempts at resolution. Too much advantage to one side brings resistance and counter forces, and the conflict remains. Don’t I have a preference, so that all who serve Me as Christian or otherwise should be in a consistent camp? No… I am part of the conflict, and My devotees are on both sides. Strange, isn’t it?

TUES., JAN. 7, 1986, 5:23 PM

I shall not chide you for lack of commitment, for I realize the adjustments you’re making now. You shall work out the morning time problem soon, I’m sure. Though you were not prepared with the appropriate paper you did respond quickly to My invitation, and I welcome you, in this unlikely place for this activity.

The conflict to which I shall speak is that between those who see the environmental crisis worsening, and those who feel that all problems of this nature can be solved, and will . . .

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