A Continuing Word On Death

SUN., OCT. 27, 1985, 5:52 AM

It is time for you to write another Ruminations, and you are both apprehensive and frustrated. The apprehension comes from the negative responses you expect from Christians who don’t believe that My Holy Scriptures give any credence to this continuation of life. The frustration arises because you have so much material and the choosing of what is “just right” will be difficult. Just trust that I shall help, but to add to your frustration I offer you yet another full Teaching on this important part of life.

First, and importantly, you have not included the Teaching that spoke of death in relation to eternal life. Therefore, using one of My educational tenets, I shall repeat and reinforce. All Christians should believe in eternal life… or as the Apostle’s Creed puts it, “life everlasting.” As Jesus I talked about this, but all of My affirmations were not included in the Gospels. I affirm that new life is being created, just as new energy comes to the earth continuously from the sun. On the other hand, all life that has been created “in the past” (remember that most of My realms are timeless) still lives on, being changed, as energy is changed, but not lost.

In an analogous way, then, death is not the loss of life, but merely a transformation… a change to another form. Thus, a life that exists in spirit, disembodied form may be transformed into human form, in the earth, bringing with it the spiritual growth accomplished… and the need to grow further. Just as an atom of carbon may shift from being in a plant, to being in a person, to being in the air, to being in the earth… and back to a plant, but not the original plant, so eternal souls continue life, and sometimes in bodily form in the earth.

Most people who give evidence of spiritual maturity have been in the earth before, but not all. As I have told you, the earth is a very special realm in which there is real testing of spiritual strength and much chance to fail and regress. There is apparent evil in much variety…much that denies the life of the spirit and affirms that only the earth is real. Therefore some souls who have developed very fully in other reams do elect to have one incarnation in the earth, so some of obvious fine spirit truly are here for the first time… and probably the only time.

I tell you that I like the earth as a situation that encourages growth. However, I also tell you that what I tell you is not what I tell “everyone else”… and what I tell some others I do not tell you. In human form no individual can comprehend all knowledge… even all of segments. As one grows in spirit she knows more, remembers more, but as she approaches Me in understanding there is the realization of no more need for individuality.

This could be called death, for it is the giving up of individual soul that was created… “way back when”… for a return to oneness with Me. So, just as a “good death” is one where the human says goodbye, has all unfinished business (in the earth) taken care of, and leaves the body with a smile, so the ultimate death is a complete re-union with Me. Carrying the analogy one step further this “part of Me” thus becomes the basis for the creation of new souls, just as the carbon atom goes from “death” to “life.”

SUN., OCT. 27, 1985, 5:52 AM

It is time for you to write another Ruminations, and you are both apprehensive and frustrated. The apprehension comes from the negative responses you expect from Christians who don’t believe that My Holy Scriptures give any credence to this continuation of life. The frustration arises because you have so much material and the choosing of what is “just right” will be difficult. Just trust that I shall help, but to add to your frustration I offer you yet another full Teaching on this important part of life.

First, and importantly . . .

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