A Conversation About Me

TUES., JUNE 6, 1989, 12:30 PM

It was unexpected, but it was rewarding… that conversation initiated by Howard that focused mostly upon Me and how I can be known. You were not superior in your explanations and affirmations, but you were actively involved, and you balanced what you know rather well. You can see that knowing Me well in this Teaching/learning way does not make it necessarily easier to communicate to another who has not had this experience. What you did was right – you heard his story, as he was willing to tell it, and you told yours, in a way meant not to alienate him.

There are many reasons why your story is not very believable. As you know, it is not believable to those who have no vivid experiences with Me, in any form as God, including some “branch” of My body, the Church. Also it is less believable as Christians are more Bible-based than Spirit-based, for there are some apparent discrepancies between what you hear from Me and how certain Scriptural passages are interpreted. It is important for you to accept these difficulties, and just comfortably and humbly avow that you do listen to and hear Me, the Holy Spirit… that you are not consciously perpetrating a “hoax.”

There is no way to prove that what you write in your handwriting, in rather long sentences of conversational English is from Me. For such tangible evidences of My involvement in modern life I must use some form of language. I choose not to do this in a miraculous way, so I use your developed writing style. Many of the stories and accounts in the Bible were originally told in Aramaic, and then written down in Greek. Even some meanings changed with this translation. There have been Latin translations, and then English of an old form… and now even some modern English.

Yet Howard’s dilemma remains. In how many ways do I come to those who seek Me… and don’t seek Me? Can I come in some physical manifestation that will be convincing? What is a modern equivalent of the “burning bush”?

Let’s consider Howard’s proposal. I can be manifested as persons of spirit, in groups of people, even as places, such as this campus. Yet each such manifestation, accepted and valued by some, is anathema to others. “No! No! that’s not God!” I manifest Myself, but I am not limited to this “display,” nor am I reduced in any way by this. Those of well-developed spirit discern Me in many forms, in many ways. They see Me, hear Me, feel Me, sense Me, and in non-describable ways experience Me.

I do try to come to souls in ways that are suitable to their understanding of life, but aside from an occasional miracle I am often not immediately successful. And yet even as one, such as Howard, asks and ponders, the spirit is ready for growth. Time is of no real consequence to Me, so I am not bothered by apparent failures. I have too much experience with humans to be upset by slowness in perceptions of Me. And yet, as a Father, I am concerned. My natures can never be limited. I am not “only” any one way.

Experience each conversation about Me with joy. If you knew the Scriptures better and these Teachings also you would be more comfortable. I affirm this yet again. Even so, let your spirit dominate in such interchanges, and be as much a listener as an “authority.” Teaching and learning are complementary and mutual. Never decide clearly that you are one or the other. Be ever aware of opportunities to learn, knowing that I can come to you in many forms. This is a favorite, but it is only one.

TUES., JUNE 6, 1989, 12:30 PM

It was unexpected, but it was rewarding… that conversation initiated by Howard that focused mostly upon Me and how I can be known. You were not superior in your explanations and affirmations, but you were actively involved, and you balanced what you know rather well. You can see that knowing Me well in this Teaching/learning way does not make it necessarily easier to communicate to another who has not had this experience. What you did was right – you heard his story, as he was willing to tell it, and . . .

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