A Cool, Wet Day…

SAT., JUNE 17, 2000, 7:19 AM

After a night of much rain, in storms and more softly, you look out at a wet, green, cool “world”. You have “chores galore” to start and finish, today and then through Monday. You are considering… and I approve… some simplification of your life. Decide what you truly want to keep for the relatively short life ahead. And then dispose of much that is now just “laying” around.

I just gave you a “clue”. Have three boxes, one for material you know you want to keep, one for stuff you “might” want, and a third for what can be “tossed”. Try it with this table to your left and with the books to your right. You realize that reading is going to be less and less easy and comfortable, so make some decisions on this drippy day… some easy, some not so.

Less than 3 days now, and Lenore will be home. You still like to feel that you have capacities for independent living (and you’re not yet in the dependent condition of your brother-in-law, Bob), but this hasn’t been as “pleasant” and “freeing” an experience as you thought it could be. Just realize that it will be difficult for you to live on, with pains and poor eyesight, needing “help” in living. Progressive cancer can be a blessing… as I observe humans in the earth.

You observed the dependence that your parents finally had to accept… and later this summer you may have the experience of Mabel, your mother-in-law, whose functioning life is now almost completely one of dependence. Remember that one advantage of her being here (other than giving a “break” to her other care-giving daughters) will be the observation that, compared with her you are in quite “good health”. (But you’ll have to ignore the fact that she’s 20 years older than you are!)

You can philosophically attest that a day like today is a “compensation” for more beautiful dry days, necessary for a more beautiful, lush future. And then consider attesting that this time in your life shall allow you to more easily accept that “goodness” of dropping this body and returning to spirit realms. You shall try to be physically active as long as possible, and you shall read as long as you can, but it is now almost time to look forward to life, even closer with Me… better for you. (Your sight is not yet this poor. Pay attention to the lines!)

You are pleased with your sons and their lives and with the grandchildren, though you are seeing that it is becoming harder to relate to them, meaningfully. You have no desire to reach that “non-reactive” state of your parents… but, of course they were much older.

( 8:06 AM / 6:30 PM )

The rain continued, off and on, all day, and you could celebrate that watering your garden and flowers will not be necessary for awhile. You aren’t sure whether you do have some minor condition of ill-health, but you did feel cold in the early afternoon, so a fire in the fireplace did feel good… probably the last one of the Spring season. But you have lots of firewood, so it was just an unexpected treat to see that fireplace “alive” again.

The feelings you have, bodily, suggest some developing ill-health condition… or it may be gone by morning. You will be glad to see Lenore return, a day early. She’s no better at visiting for any extended period than you are. But… see it positively: you have a good life together, “together” in some matters and complementary in others. And you both may be at about “the same place” in regard to traveling and visiting. You both enjoy this place, and are fast losing the “strength” to travel and visit for extended periods… or too soon after a traveling visit.

You haven’t accomplished much in relation to the clean-up of this room. (You do wonder why I’m so concerned about a study that is not much worse than it usually is. These are suggestions of Mine, not Celestial Commands. I just say you’ll feel better when you apply yourself to what is an obvious “mess”.)

SAT., JUNE 17, 2000, 7:19 AM

After a night of much rain, in storms and more softly, you look out at a wet, green, cool “world”. You have “chores galore” to start and finish, today and then through Monday. You are considering… and I approve… some simplification of your life. Decide what you truly want to keep for the relatively short life ahead. And then dispose of much that is now just “laying” around.

I just gave you a “clue”. Have three boxes, one for material you know you want to keep, one for stuff you “might . . .

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