A Dangerous Place?

FRI., APR. 25, 1997, 5:55 AM

Reading and re-reading the account of what could happen to the earth and its inhabitants… various catastrophes… plus awakening early to a burning smell did bring you to Me, in this now familiar way. The news broadcasts of your culture often focus on happenings that endanger or take lives or that involve damage of various kinds. What do I have to say about this aspect of earth life? Is it a dangerous place?

Yes, of course, there are dangers and threats as a part of this place. There is both cooperation and competition among the various forms of life. What you call infections or diseases can be seen as certain small organisms “winning” in the competition with humans. I, as the Creator God, have allowed these tiny forms of life to mutate, most of these mutations are just in order that an organism might adapt to various threats to its life. (There are certain similarities in the continuation of life, in its myriad forms.)

For you humans, in addition to your individual immune system capacities, I have allowed the development… and discovery… of many drugs and vaccines which provide effective ways to live with this “microscopic world”, with short individual lives but great capacities to multiply. So the competition goes on, with some lives being shortened but still a net increase in human life, at the end of each day.

Remember, always, that one of My persistent messages to you is that human life is a part of an interrelating creation of life, and that I am more concerned with this whole “web of life” than I am with individuals and with human life. Oh, you are My “highest creation”, but you are not meant to dominate in the way your culture and some others like it assume My Will to be.

I do see lives “shortened” by disease and infection, but this term is a very relative one… what are the expectations for any life? It truly is of little consequence how long you live. Little Nick’s life, as you tell his story to your classes, was short, but it can be of more importance than lives of many years, about which they never hear. My life, as Jesus, was “shortened” by human action, but it was of more consequence than lives that went on for many more years.

There are other dangers in earth life, and, as just mentioned, the various competitions among humans certainly can be dangerous. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” was the old saying, which still lives in your system of punishment. A hostage crisis is over and rebels responsible are all killed. If death is not the sentence then it is the loss of freedom and all else that prison life involves.

What about the tragedies of floods, droughts, earthquakes, volcanoes, and many types of storms? Again, I see these as part of the challenge of earth life. And I smile as I see your culture become better at predicting harmful weather conditions at the same time that your high entropy way of life is causing these variations in weather and climate. I could have said, “There is no such thing as a free lunch”… as a Scriptural admonition.

The several dangers of earth life are part of its “charm”. Many of you, with other “choices”, elect to be born into earth life to experience some of these dangers. Peace and harmony can be wonderful… and also somewhat boring. “A time for war and a time for peace” represents one of those balances that I consider good for earth life.

FRI., APR. 25, 1997, 5:55 AM

Reading and re-reading the account of what could happen to the earth and its inhabitants… various catastrophes… plus awakening early to a burning smell did bring you to Me, in this now familiar way. The news broadcasts of your culture often focus on happenings that endanger or take lives or that involve damage of various kinds. What do I have to say about this aspect of earth life? Is it a dangerous place?

Yes, of course, there are dangers and threats as a part of this place. There is both . . .

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