A Day At Church

MON., OCT. 21, 1985, 6:50 AM

Yesterday was certainly that, o son… a full day of religious and spiritual experience. You listened, you taught, you sang, you ate, you spent time in silence… quite a varied day in the old church building. So you really are not surprised that I urged you to this time of Teaching. You do want to hear My comments on all of that, now don’t you?

The worship service was above average, with a thrilling anthem and a sermon that was essentially a story, which you know is My favorite form. Your class was satisfying, yet another demonstration that even one of these Teachings can engage a group for nearly an hour. The topic was a good one, and the stories were important to share. Just consider that it is about time to have them do some writing again. I am pleased with the class, and you should be, too. It is a unique group that I have helped to gather, and you and I are the teachers. Be excited with this opportunity.

Then came the gathering for renewal… one representative of several segments of your somewhat diverse congregation. The meal was a popular one, and a meal certainly is one of the best ways to bring a group together. Singing together is another “uniter,” and you used your small talent well in urging that joining of voices that had you praising and acknowledging My story as the fundamental base to that day at church.

My two servants from Indiana, Bill and Ken, are into a good and necessary ministry, and I am pleased to help them in this particular form of renewal of relationship with Me. You responded well to their words, and you particularly recognized Me in the admonition to go easy on yourself. Sure, I want you to grow and be a better spokesman and model for My kingdom here on earth, but know that I see more growth coming when I’m applauding you rather than holding up your sin for all to admire. By My standards you all sin and fall short of what I would have you do and be. You can wallow and you can try, even prodigiously… or you can catch that express elevator up… the one called Grace. In one sense you’re the same inadequate sinner, but when you put your hand in Mine, always outstretched to you, you are transformed, and you become more capable than any of your efforts alone could produce.

A good part of the afternoon was spent in solitude and silence. This is not a new experience for you, but it was very worthwhile to have the experience there at the church, with others of the group around, but also silent. Your prayer life is still pretty meager, but you stuck with it yesterday, and I’m sure you’ll see that experience as a means of improving this aspect of Our life together. I acknowledge, of course, that you do spend this time of writing/meditation with Me, and few others, even of those more pious, have this productive a time with the Holy Spirit.

Yes, that music to which you listened is “your style,” and you should be learning some of it. Let that part of the experience be a positive impetus for growth on your part.

MON., OCT. 21, 1985, 6:50 AM

Yesterday was certainly that, o son… a full day of religious and spiritual experience. You listened, you taught, you sang, you ate, you spent time in silence... quite a varied day in the old church building. So you really are not surprised that I urged you to this time of Teaching. You do want to hear My comments on all of that, now don’t you?

The worship service was above average, with a thrilling anthem and a sermon that was essentially a story, which you know is My favorite form . . .

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