A Day In Time

SAT., DEC. 7, 1985, 11:01 AM

This is a date, o son, that represents at least two significant days in time. One was national, and the other was personal. They are obviously not related to one another, but you can trace a relationship between the war, your choice of university, your first job, Lenore, and, consequently, Peter that does verify some connection. (Many experiences in your life are connected with others, in ways you do not realize. Just be aware as these surface, as life goes on.)

As I have told you, wars are not a recommended way of settling disputes, but I also realize some benefits from wars past. Wars change circumstances, and though the changes cannot always be judged “better,” when conditions are different some are benefitted that would not have otherwise been. For you, the war brought education galore and opportunities to participate in sports that might not have been possible without the conflict. That war was of much benefit to you, even as it took the lives of many thousands. Loss of life and suffering. Today there is much more life… and suffering still persists.

So, 44 years ago this was a day in time. Despite the world-wide conflict it was not the beginning of an event that brought you harm.

Nine years ago this day began in a fairly normal way, and you remember little of the day itself. The events of the evening, however, are etched in your memory, for it was a time of transition for your troubled son, Peter. No, he did not want to cause the hurt that he did. He just wanted to be himself, and he wasn’t at all sure who that was. He wanted to have a close relationship with Me, particularly after My personal invitations, yet he couldn’t fit this in with the human friends and activities that he clung to.

Though you still occasionally wonder, the details of the crash are not important to you… for you to know. For you the experience was a test of your relationship with Me and of what you professed to believe about death and eternal life. I have ways of making every sort of an event a test of spirit… which is the most important kind of test in all realms of being. You did fairly well, and I like the ways in which you conduct the class dealing with this aspect of life. However, there always shall be more tests, as long as you remain a soul/spirit separate from Me… even though I am a functioning part of you.

For Peter it was a new beginning. He needed this. I did not “order” it nor did I cause it, but I was ready to welcome him, help him learn as much as he could from his life on earth as Peter (a good name), and then start him on some new forms of development. As I have told you, he is doing fine in this realm. This is all you need to know.

Though this was the date of the death, the next two days were the critical ones for you. These were the days of activity… in being an active part of the funeral and burial process. “Be active in life” is one of My best admonitions. You anticipate lots of activity in this day, and of this I approve. In activity you show your appreciation for this life in the earth, which is, truly, a gift of Mine. Continue to feel and to show this appreciation.

SAT., DEC. 7, 1985, 11:01 AM

This is a date, o son, that represents at least two significant days in time. One was national, and the other was personal. They are obviously not related to one another, but you can trace a relationship between the war, your choice of university, your first job, Lenore, and, consequently, Peter that does verify some connection. (Many experiences in your life are connected with others, in ways you do not realize. Just be aware as these surface, as life goes on.)

As I have told you, wars are not a recommended . . .

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