A Day Of Contrasts

TUES., OCT. 8, 1996, 5:51 AM

Yes, o son, it was a day of contrasts – obvious “losses” and some unrecognized triumphs. Consider that after the early debacle you spent most of the rest of the day with Me, as you typed this late but good Ruminations. Yet it was not a process that went smoothly, either. The process did make you at least consider developing some computer skills… but you did finish it, and all day you had to again consider My messages, to you, directly, and through Neale.

You admitted that you did not use the concept of rhythm as I had suggested to you, early on. Yet you experienced it yesterday, for it was a classic day of ups and downs. The rhythm of earth life has to include such times… one good reason for faith. I am with you in your sorrows and your joys, in your accomplishments and your disappointments. The day was beautiful, even as you ended with a return of mild pain in your hip. You didn’t appreciate enough, the contrasts that make this earth life quite special.

One of the classic interpretations in your Christian heritage is that I, as the Triune God, am quite displeased with the earth and its peoples, and, as the Risen Christ, I shall return to make it again the Paradise I intended it to be. Evil and harm will be “defeated”… or else the “chosen” will be removed and the earth left to those I don’t like. (You see, there can’t be agreement on how to “fix” the earth and its peoples.) Oh, of course I’m responsible for such interpretations. Chalk it up mostly to My sense of fun.

In contrast, I tell you that the earth is just about as I want it to be. It is a marvelous site for spiritual growth and development, for there are many opportunities for conflict, failure, and denial of spirit. I am in control, always have been, and always will be. I love this earth scene, and I also am not attached to it. I call on you to move toward non-attachment because this is how I am.

I see pain, deaths, and tragedies of many sorts each day. And I also see joy, births, wellness, service to Me and fellow humans, and triumphs of the spirit. I see the earth being ruined in some places and restored and maintained in others. You see, My non-attachment deters Me from “stepping in” in so many situations, to prevent and to correct. It permits Me to let your relatively free wills work out life situations. Oh, I’m involved, and I am “in charge”, but I can see the value in the “freedom” I’ve given you, each one. It is both abused and used wisely and with love.

Clean your desk! I admonish you. You do, occasionally, even with dusting and rewaxing. Then soon it is cluttered again, becoming almost unusable. Letters go unwritten… and then you do send forth a greeting that is appreciated, and is warming to your spirit, also.

Life is basically pleasant and good for you. You realize this… but then there are the losses. You still can’t celebrate these as potentially valuable experiences. Norman demonstrated, rather dramatically, yesterday, that your fence can’t hold him if he is motivated elsewhere, but you expect to find him in the herd this morning, satisfied in being here. He did not go quietly to his “fate”. That must be a lesson of some sort.

Why are you here, on a Tuesday morning? You had a restless night, and a long day is before you. Did I call you, or did you want to hear from Me? Does it matter? Oh, there will be changes ahead, and some won’t be pleasant for and appreciated by you. But hear My persistent Teaching to you: there is spiritual value in all that happens. Don’t miss opportunities by judgments against them.

TUES., OCT. 8, 1996, 5:51 AM

Yes, o son, it was a day of contrasts – obvious “losses” and some unrecognized triumphs. Consider that after the early debacle you spent most of the rest of the day with Me, as you typed this late but good Ruminations. Yet it was not a process that went smoothly, either. The process did make you at least consider developing some computer skills… but you did finish it, and all day you had to again consider My messages, to you, directly, and through Neale.

You admitted that you did not use the . . .

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