A “Day Of Days”

MON., JULY 22, 1991, 9:03 AM

Yes, o son, you are here in the bosom of Synod School, and this shall be your “day of days.” You walked early, in a familiar oval, and then you became part of the early morning Scripture and prayer group. Of course I did lead you to write the Post Messiah Psalm1, for as it is written, that first Psalm is too negative for you. It does speak to some, but your “revision” was an appropriate positive one.

You are ready for your first class, as you expected to be. It should be a good group, so just be sure you keep monitoring the spirit, and shift and devise activities which enhance that spirit. Reread the Teachings relative to this class this afternoon and plan accordingly. I shall surely offer you more suggestions as the week progresses.

Decide what to do about the noon meal each day. Today it may be better to get some sun and skip the food. After your sermon you must be open to the invitation you offer and be available for those who want to share stories and experiences with you. Hence, the noon meal may be an important scene for such sharings.

Then this afternoon you shall sing and be in the vivacious presence of My servant Bev. Though you won’t sing this evening, probably, you can enjoy the preparation and the experience of this energizing aspect of Synod School.

After supper… the service shall be yours to craft. (Yes, I like that word, lately). Don’t add any more. You’d better do it again this afternoon before you copy it, for you should be closer to 15 minutes than 20. On the other hand, this is your big opportunity, so use all the time allotted. As it is now it is not excessive. Preach it well.

Vespers shall be another time when you can share experiences with a small group. You may want to share the second Teaching on Conversions, as a follow-up to the homily. Select some good hymns and enjoy the time of praise.

Finally, select some good songs to do at the Coffee House, including some sing-alongs. You can do this easily, though it is hard to break in to going conversations. Just remember that this is the Coffee House tradition, and you are helping to perpetuate it. Know that this is a contribution that mellows and makes more acceptable that you are a Christian mystic. It is an important balance, and some contribution each night would be desirable.

That’s the Day, with time to prepare and then time to “be,” in some of your varied ways. You are not sure what this “coming out” will mean, but you are willing… and it is time, say I. You shall credit Me with your conversions, and hence you must let some know how this translates into your actual life. Don’t expect all to be interested… and do expect some to reject you or to challenge what you confess. Just turn the other cheek, forgive them their “blasphemy,” and ask about their spiritual paths.

Don’t give thought at this time about whether or not you shall return for future Schools. Just let this one develop and relax a bit after this “day of days.” This total summer has been a bit hectic, but you have accomplished well, and I still have tasks for you to finish or to accomplish.

MON., JULY 22, 1991, 9:03 AM

Yes, o son, you are here in the bosom of Synod School, and this shall be your “day of days.” You walked early, in a familiar oval, and then you became part of the early morning Scripture and prayer group. Of course I did lead you to write the Post Messiah Psalm1, for as it is written, that first Psalm is too negative for you. It does speak to some, but your “revision” was an appropriate positive one.

You are ready for your first class, as you expected to . . .

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