A Day Of Fellowship… And…

SUNDAY, MAR. 18, 2001, 8:42 PM

You just have almost completed a day of fellowship, some of it church – and some family-related. It was a good day, overall, with your feet hurting some… and feeling quite good.

This evening was a show of support for Karen, your interim pastor, whose “work” here was well-done and duly recognized, but, nevertheless, is essentially “over.” The new, selected pastor was here this evening and seems to be ready to assume “the role.” There was good fellowship in the morning coffee time and “class,” and you feel quite comfortable in this setting, even as the “building” is in transition to something grander and larger… but is no longer the familiar structure that you have known for over 30 years.

As I “saw” and “felt” you and the interactions with fellow members both in the morning and this evening My judgment was… you were both comfortable and “less then comfortable.” You had some comments to make in the morning “class,” but they would have raised the issue of “reincarnation” or, as I prefer, “do it until you ‘get it right’.”

As I have told you repeatedly, as Jesus I did submit to crucifixion, death, and burial in a tomb. But Easter, coming soon, is the symbolic remembrance that I “didn’t stay dead”… I was alive, amongst My disciples, and then I ascended into heaven. And where am I now? Any and every place I choose to be. I was with you all of this day, and I was in countless other worship services and fellowship groups. I was with individuals who have particular needs, as well as with groups, “up to at least some” good.

I don’t see you getting cynical about your church, your denomination, your culture, or My earth scene, but I do see that you don’t enter into discussions with the vigor that you have shown in the past. This sounds as though I’m being critical, but “not so.” You have been a Christina churchman for most of your life, and have served Me well in a variety of ways. I still want you to be a churchman, but, as I’ve told you, now is a time to back off and ponder what you hear and look for ways (gently rather than dedicatedly) you can create a ”proper” and comfortable role as one who has served in many ways, but now has been chosen, by Me, to hear My comments on your on-going life.

Now I realize that you are now in, and approaching the end of, your 22nd year of hearing Me, your friendly Holy Spirit. You have no real doubts about the authenticity of what you hear from Me and write down, in this “semi-ritualistic” way. And yet you are not yet comfortable enough with this “odd chosenness” to tell many people about it. Again… this is not a criticism of behaviors I would have you change. I certainly knew you well when I came to you in 1979. I knew I could get you to hear and “transcribe” these Teachings, but I did not expect you to be an instant dominating evangelist.

I chose you, and I didn’t need to change you into someone else. You are doing, now, and what is represented in your many hand-written volumes, just what I want you to do. If you find opportunities to share some of these with others, I am pleased. So… I do encourage this, but I’m also satisfied with your dedication to writing these, dated.

I tell you… I am in no hurry to “change the world.” I have some criticism of what I see, but I also Am the Creator, and I don’t create much “bad stuff.”

I “heard” your reaction this morning (though you didn’t “break in” to proclaim it). You see, and you read the words of others who also see, that human activity is despoiling the earth, along with the increase in population that seems to come from some of these activities… at this time. I tell you that there must be some halt to the growth of the human population and of a good deal of the modernizing, in which your culture leads. So, in addition to reducing births there must be more acceptance of death as one of the critical and beneficial “balances” in the earth today.

SUNDAY, MAR. 18, 2001, 8:42 PM

You just have almost completed a day of fellowship, some of it church – and some family-related. It was a good day, overall, with your feet hurting some… and feeling quite good.

This evening was a show of support for Karen, your interim pastor, whose “work” here was well-done and duly recognized, but, nevertheless, is essentially “over.” The new, selected pastor was here this evening and seems to be ready to assume “the role.” There was good fellowship in the morning coffee time and “class,” and you feel quite comfortable . . .

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