A Day Of Leaving

SAT., DEC. 27, 1986, 7:09 AM

The time of vacation is over here on this island. You shall travel today, back toward the normal life to which I have called you. You have been faithful in these daily times of Teaching… you have heard, have written, and have shared. This is pleasing to Me, the Teacher.

Perhaps you shall see a sunrise this morning, even though it shall not be a direct one from the horizon. Clouds often symbolize trouble, but they also can be a vital element in a wonderfully beautiful picture. This may finally be a more spectacular sunrise than if it had not been delayed. Accordingly, outcomes that have experienced trouble are often more lasting in memory.

It doesn’t seem as though any of the people you have met will be life-long friends. You can’t be sure of that, but the indications are thus. Nevertheless the people part of the experience has been an important one, for I tell you that even moments with people along the path of life may be valuable and instructive, even though the time is brief. Most human relationships are going to be of short duration. Just as this sunrise, whenever it is, shall be brief… and then over… so are most of your human contacts. You need not lament this, but be aware of this truth and make the most of these short term experiences. If you and Lenore continue to do this vacation “thing” in the coming years, you can develop a more aware way of approaching such a week. Spend little time in denigrating and devaluing people. Look for likenesses, strengths, and potential areas of common interest. And be particularly aware of spiritual evidences, and develop some ways of bringing these forth. For you certainly shall meet some who are on spiritual paths like your own… or interesting to you.

The plan for this day culminates in a contrast. You shall see again, as you do so infrequently, an old friend. Your time with him will be short, but different, for it is based in years of knowing one another and experiencing many cloudy, as well as sunny, days. Spirit is in this friendship, even as this aspect has been rarely explored. Perhaps this shall be the time?

The sea stretches before you, and it shall be a considerable time before you again see such a body of water. It ripples nervously and continuously today. You have seen it calm, almost as glass, and you have observed it wind-whipped and relatively violent. Bodies of water, of which this earth is supplied so abundantly, can also be symbols of life. The surface can shift and change. The tide can go in and then out again. There is both regularity… and sudden response to other forces. Yet in one form or another it remains… as an influence on lives. It can consume lives. It can be a source of pleasure. It can be a source of food and livelihood. Many are is influences. And so, too, is any one life, among others.

The sun now shines forth, far above the horizon and still not warming in its rays. The date above tells you that this is the official winter season, which you were experiencing before you left, and now shall reenter, though not suddenly. I have taught you of the value of winter, and I do not encourage any thoughts of this as a season merely to endure. It is a time when the sun does not shine with the warmth of other seasons. It is a time when you must “manufacture” your own heat and utilize wood, which is a part of My creation, certainly, to help with this warming process.

SAT., DEC. 27, 1986, 7:09 AM

The time of vacation is over here on this island. You shall travel today, back toward the normal life to which I have called you. You have been faithful in these daily times of Teaching… you have heard, have written, and have shared. This is pleasing to Me, the Teacher.

Perhaps you shall see a sunrise this morning, even though it shall not be a direct one from the horizon. Clouds often symbolize trouble, but they also can be a vital element in a wonderfully beautiful picture. This . . .

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