A Day Of Opportunity

THUR., MAY 3, 1984, 5:59 AM

Hear, o son, for I have much to say to you this morning, as you begin an unusual day of opportunity. You are here and eager to record what I offer. This day could simply not have started in any way other than this time of teaching. So… let’s say that this is your first opportunity… the first of many.

Kris is the one most responsible for your being here. As I have told you (and her, through you) she is becoming a special servant of Mine, in the same “tradition” as that I am developing with you. She shall be a professional/teacher on subjects relating to health, and from such a position she shall introduce learners to spirit as a part of health… and in turn shall learn from some of them some various ways in which spirit is a part of daily and special functioning. Continue to encourage her, for she is one of your most important graduates… who is now a colleague in this “conspiracy” of Mine to restore spirit to a legitimate place in consideration of health in your culture.

Do not worry about your preparations for these presentations. You are well enough prepared for the times that are available. Let your spirit guide what you do and say. The result will be the best balance possible. Oh, you shall have some small regrets for opportunities missed, but keep your fundamental focus on spirit, and you shall be achieving what both you and I want (and Kris, too).

On the one hand this is a most special day of opportunity for you and for these folks here in Morris. On the other, it is just a day among many, each of which has unique opportunities. It is good to focus on special days, as long as you do not lose the perspective that some of the most crucial opportunities come out of quite ordinary days… out of unexpected and unanticipated circumstances.

It is never possible to fulfill all of the opportunities in any day. One of the most marvelous, positive frustrations of life is the inability to fulfill one or more opportunities… because you are giving your attention to yet another. It can be depressing if you make the mistake of giving attention to what you are not doing, rather than what you are accomplishing. The positive principle, again, is, in the terms I am using this morning: if you are meeting and fulfilling an opportunity, and it is reasonably worthwhile, give no worrisome thoughts to opportunities missed in the same time span. Opportunities important to growth of spirit will usually reappear at another time, though the exact form may be different.

Balance your attention between groups and individuals on this day of opportunity. I may well be urging certain individuals to make contact with you, and, like unto Kris, initially, this may not be obvious to you. Just be as aware as you can be, today, of individuals as they emerge from the groups.

THUR., MAY 3, 1984, 5:59 AM

Hear, o son, for I have much to say to you this morning, as you begin an unusual day of opportunity. You are here and eager to record what I offer. This day could simply not have started in any way other than this time of teaching. So… let’s say that this is your first opportunity… the first of many.

Kris is the one most responsible for your being here. As I have told you (and her, through you) she is becoming a special servant of Mine, in the same . . .

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