A Day Of Sickness

FRI., APR. 5, 1996, 6:11 AM

It was a day that is only very occasional, a day of sickness. It commenced during the night, one marked also by the discomfort in your hip. Then came the digestive sickness, with loss of appetite, near-nausea, and tiredness. You slept well into the morning, certainly not a usual happening. It was a quiet, gentle day, with little activity. Then appetite and energy returned, and you knew it was only going to be a day of sickness. And here you are, in anticipation of wisdom from Me, the Holy Spirit.

Let’s start with a connection to the Season. Holy Week moves along, yet again, and it was unfortunate that you missed the service and communion last evening. As Jesus, My “day of sickness” (a stretched analogy, certainly) began in the night with My identification by Judas and My going through the “trials” that resulted in My condemnation. By noon of the next day I had suffered humiliation and dishonor and was nailed to a cross. In mid-afternoon My Spirit left the body on the cross, becoming pure Spirit again, the condition of greatest health.

Yes, o son, though there is challenge, and some merit, in having physical body form, the fullness of being is in spirit form. You went through a day of sickness, an upset of some sort in your body. Then you “emerged”, feeling good once again. I went through a similar time frame, with more suffering than you had, certainly, but then I “emerged” into the fullness that is spiritual life.

Earth life seems so real. I created it to be thus. It is a true test of spirit, being born into physical form and living a life in time, for some length, with little to no remembrance of previous spiritual experiences. Your culture is one that sees physical death as almost the ultimate evil. Do whatever is necessary to postpone and avoid death. The “ER”, so “busily” portrayed, is a closeup of frantic efforts to maintain physical life. If, in a time of sickness or accident, one can’t return to health naturally, as you did, then there should be help, much of it technologically advanced.

And still I say that death is a return to health. But… just as I’ve advised you (and you are pretty good at this) to “enjoy” the discomfort of sickness and pain, I want you to enjoy and profit from bodily earth life. Even though it is “partial” it is a unique experience for your spirit, your everlasting soul. So live it out fully, as it comes naturally. I just don’t encourage you to perceive this physical life as something so real you must hang on to it, with all of the assistance your “advanced” culture can provide.

You notice I had you put “advanced” in quotes, indicating this is more of a perception than a reality. From My perspective an advanced culture would be one that valued earth life, in all of its forms, lived life fully, with whatever “impediments” and “discomforts” that came along, exercising spirit in many ways. Death, when it would come, unpostponed, would be seen as a transformation, an entrance back into realms of spirit, the ultimate reality. Of course you, and any of you, can live this way in this culture. You’ll just have to buck the tide of “advancement”.

FRI., APR. 5, 1996, 6:11 AM

It was a day that is only very occasional, a day of sickness. It commenced during the night, one marked also by the discomfort in your hip. Then came the digestive sickness, with loss of appetite, near-nausea, and tiredness. You slept well into the morning, certainly not a usual happening. It was a quiet, gentle day, with little activity. Then appetite and energy returned, and you knew it was only going to be a day of sickness. And here you are, in anticipation of wisdom from Me, the Holy Spirit . . .

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