A Day Of Wind And Fire

SUN., MAY 26, 1996, 6:16 AM

Yes, o son, this is Pentecost Sunday, now noted and celebrated in your church. It is the symbolic birthday of the Church, when it was My turn to burst into the earth in dramatic form and give heart, strength, and energy to the disciples who didn’t know what to do next, now that the resurrected Christ was “gone”. It worked. The Church “commenced”. Yet these disciples still felt that this body was to be principally Jewish.

As Jesus I was born a Jewish baby and grew up to be a Jewish man. The Jews saw themselves as a chosen people, with a heritage that caused them to look for a Messiah to rescue them and lead them to the glory of David’s time, as King.

Some called Me the Messiah because of miracles and healings that I did. I let this reality be voiced, but, other than becoming a bit violent with the money changer’s tables, on one occasion, I was not the powerful Messiah for whom they looked and yearned. I was gentle and talked of love more than of violence. When I was stridently verbal it was against the Pharisees, the Jewish spiritual leaders.

So I was accused, had a strange trial, was condemned, and crucified. But, of course, I returned to earth in bodily form… “up from the grave He arose…” I was with the disciples long enough to assure them of My triumph over death. Then I ascended, as was noted last Sunday. Seven days later (conveniently on a Sunday) I, the Spirit Who had been promised, came among them, as a mighty roaring wind and tongues of fire. My “first” miracle was a doozy. Peter, and others, spoke of Me, the risen Christ, and all of the motley group who listened heard the message in their own languages, a dramatic reversal of the Babel event, where I, as the jealous Creator God, started the development of “other languages”, so that one could not communicate with another.

This symbolized the beginning of the new covenant… that this Church, that was to be symbolically My Body, was for any and all persons. And thus far, in human history it does enfold the most and the most diverse mix of humans. There is a mystical Oneness in this Church, even as its divisions and differences are patently obvious. You are not completely welcome, as a Christian, in Michael and Wendy’s Orthodox Church. (6:55 / 6:57) You would not feel completely comfortable in a Pentecostal service of worship, as some in Lenore’s family do. So the Oneness can be challenged, as the religion is organized and practiced.

I come to you, as regularly as you invite Me, or accept My invitation. I come to you as a moving pen, creating words and sentences that make up, finally, a Teaching, now one among many. I have given you a challenge and a task, and you have taken it up and done fairly well with it. You hope, even pray, occasionally, that you will continue with this, as your active career as a teacher ends. You hope that your mind and spirit will remain so that you can write, in praise of the spiritual as the coordinating dimension of health. I’ll do what I can to help.

SUN., MAY 26, 1996, 6:16 AM

Yes, o son, this is Pentecost Sunday, now noted and celebrated in your church. It is the symbolic birthday of the Church, when it was My turn to burst into the earth in dramatic form and give heart, strength, and energy to the disciples who didn’t know what to do next, now that the resurrected Christ was “gone”. It worked. The Church “commenced”. Yet these disciples still felt that this body was to be principally Jewish.

As Jesus I was born a Jewish baby and grew up to be a . . .

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