A Deep Theology For Now

SAT., NOV. 18, 1989, 7:18 AM

You have waited patiently for a theme around which to develop this last Ruminations of the 1980’s. Even though you have an earlier one focusing on the environment this one shall meld the notion of deep ecology with theology, bringing forth what We shall call a deep theology. Set your spirit to this task. Let’s be on with it, o son.

The relationship of human beings and the earth is now quite different than in the times when the Holy Scriptures were written. And, of course, conditions are starkly different from the time (whenever it was) of the Garden of Eden myth. Though it is important to consider all Scripture as true and relevant it also is silly to assume that what I said, as Almighty God, to two persons is what I would say to 5 billion and increasing. Human life is My highest creation, but its increase and its actions that are changing the life conditions of earth are diminishing this value. This calls for a deep theology.

This theology must have its base in the Holy Scriptures. This is no repudiation of this mighty volume that I love and recommend constantly. These Scriptures offer the basis for a theology, AND… they have to be interpreted through a theology.

One theology, derived from some Scriptures, has this wonderful planet Earth turned over, somehow, to evil forces, even to some spirit called satan (no, do not capitalize that name). I am fighting a losing battle for spirits and for the earth, and eventually there shall be a great battle. In Biblical times a great battle would have relatively little effect on the environment, long-term. Can you imagine what some great battle’s effects would be in the now?!

The theology that arises from such an interpretation is that I am losing and the earth is unimportant, until I magically restore it. My chosen shall be taken up from the earth, so why be concerned about it. The “rapture” comes in leaving this troubled earth.

Well, this isn’t what I tell you, and I urge on you a counter interpretation and a counter theology that We shall call deep. It is based on the interpretation that I have never given nor lost control of this planet, and that My influence is supreme… always has been and always will be. I have created, and I continue to create. I have destroyed, and I can continue to destroy. I am all knowing and all powerful. Still… I guide and adapt much more than I directly affect human life and actions. The purpose of life in the earth is to develop spiritually, as is the purpose of life in other realms… or in the earth, but not incarnate in a body. The forces of evil are apparent, but these are part of the challenge toward spiritual growth.

Human action, as it is affecting the life forces of the planet, can become evil, even as it seems to bring present goods. The spiritual principle, while never put forth as a specific commandment, that I offer for this theology is: give up something good for something better. I illustrated this principle with My voluntary death on the cross. I loved human life, as Jesus. I loved to preach and teach and show people the Way to My Father’s Kingdom. Wouldn’t the world have benefitted if I had lived and preached and taught for another 40 years? Certainly.

Instead I gave up this good that many, in future generations, might have eternal and everlasting life with Me. This was a greater good. So, to be a steward of the earth is better than being a dominator and an exploiter. This is not anti-Christian. It is deeply Christian. Can you imagine Me, as Jesus, in today’s earth extolling the value of more automobiles, more electronic equipment, more drugs… more waste to affect human life and health.

SAT., NOV. 18, 1989, 7:18 AM

You have waited patiently for a theme around which to develop this last Ruminations of the 1980’s. Even though you have an earlier one focusing on the environment this one shall meld the notion of deep ecology with theology, bringing forth what We shall call a deep theology. Set your spirit to this task. Let’s be on with it, o son.

The relationship of human beings and the earth is now quite different than in the times when the Holy Scriptures were written. And, of course, conditions are starkly . . .

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