A Defense Of Me

MON., APR. 20, 1992, 6:19 AM

You have written and are about to send in a spirited defense of Me as a factor in spiritual health. Given your experience it is very strange to have a rather long chapter on human spirituality and have it contain only a few rather snide remarks about God, giving Me no credit for spirituality in humans. Further, I am an important factor in this “movement” to reintroduce the spiritual as a legitimate dimension to health. I work in you, openly, but I work through others, like Bryan. This would not be happening at this time without My influence. Can this be proven? Of course not. Is it true? Certainly.

You see, I am concerned, too, about the “health care crisis” in your culture. However, My concern is with how mechanical health care, really medical care, has become and how dependent so many practitioners and patients have become on technology and medications. I want people to see health as a positive condition of being, not just the absence of sickness. I want them to realize that a strong spirit is a major factor in the body working well… much more important than pills and medical treatments.

As an important parallel I want more acceptance of death as a natural part of the life cycle. With the number of humans now in the earth it should be clear that deaths make it possible for others to be. Easter, just past, is a reminder that, as a symbol, I gave My life that others might live… and I assured humans that life continues after death, for you as well as for Me.

I come to you as an external voice, a Spirit with countless, incredible experiences in earth life. Yet you also know that I am with you as a constant internal companion… as internal as your heart, lungs, and brain. I want you to be centered on spirit as the unifying dimension of your life. Others can center in other ways. I work with them also. I want your central motivations to be service to others, with a positive, happy outlook, not one of dogged compulsion. I want you to continually work to improve the environment, being a quiet, functioning positive part of this incomprehensible web of life that I have created.

I want you to teach with zeal and with spirit, helping these young people to grow in spirit as well as in learning… and to love learning, from themselves as well as from you and the material you use. At your age and professional position you need not seek outside opportunities to serve, but you should consider each opportunity that comes to you an take ones that you can do, with spirit.

I want you to appreciate days like Saturday, the ancient Sabbath, when you accomplished little, but just enjoyed being in this fine, appropriate place, doing only what you felt like doing. Each day should not be like that one, but there should be days such as that, but full of appreciation, not guilt. Life is a dance, but it is not an endless marathon. Sitting one out, occasionally, is healthy.

You see, I am both wholly Other and an integral part of your spirit. It is Classic both/and rather than either/or. I want you dependent on Me, but so that you can be a stronger, more capable, more loving you. Dependence on Me makes you strong, not weak. It is truly an interdependence, for I now count on you to accomplish certain tasks in this earth that you can do better than I can. We love each other, other persons, and this quite marvelous earth, a place supportive of much spiritual growth, despite what appears to be evil and troubles.

MON., APR. 20, 1992, 6:19 AM

You have written and are about to send in a spirited defense of Me as a factor in spiritual health. Given your experience it is very strange to have a rather long chapter on human spirituality and have it contain only a few rather snide remarks about God, giving Me no credit for spirituality in humans. Further, I am an important factor in this “movement” to reintroduce the spiritual as a legitimate dimension to health. I work in you, openly, but I work through others, like Bryan. This would not be . . .

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