A Different / Better God?

WED., JULY. 26, 2000, 9:05 AM

You and your morning group have now finished Judges, with those last 7 chapters offering you a rather vivid picture of Me, as Yahweh. In one way you accept the theological premise that I, as Almighty God, am Changeless… with no need to “improve” over the God of Samson’s time. On the other hand I have told you that I Am the Supreme Adapter, always with supreme Power but having infinite choices in how to display and use it. Thus I say that I Am Unchangeable, but this means that I can always be as Changeable as I want and need to be.

In this story (or part of the Story) just completed I obviously favored “My people”, the Jews. Yet these Jews were in 12 tribes, and there was both rivalry and comradeship among these. The Jews, today, in Israel, hold fast to what they perceive that I have given them – forever – and this includes Jerusalem. There can be no peace, finally, until some solution acceptable by Jews, Moslems, and also Christians… and such (of any lasting nature) seems unlikely. (And you realize it is I Who have complicated this matter greatly, by coming to Gentiles as the crucified, but Risen, Christ (not acceptable to the Jews) and to the descendants of these “…ites” people as Allah, the One True God. So you do see that while I may say, at one time, that I want peace and harmony in the earth, I am, finally, the One responsible for the discord… the differences in “what is Truth?”

After two World Wars and various smaller armed conflicts, your culture tends to see that your acceptance of Me as God in Christ Jesus, a later, gentler “version” of Yahweh, makes you “the chosen People”… and that the power you have and wield comes from Me. (I realize, of course, that you also have a powerful secular/agnostic “interpretation”, in which this is just the workings of the “natural world” and that I’m not actively involved.) ( 9:30 / 9:34 ).

This culture of yours makes much of individual deaths, but certainly sees it as newsworthy when a Concorde goes down, killing more than 110 people. It is not generally believed that I have anything directly to do with any of these deaths, but I tell you that I do have concern for the future of this planet, Earth, and realize that the human population is now excessive. But, given all of this, I obviously am different from the God of the time of the Judges, for I was rather directly involved in the killing of people, both My Own… and their “enemies”, who must have been my people, too… (who else’s??)

I considered women differently, as Yahweh, and let them be treated “unequally”. There is that “odd story” (by your culture’s standards) of “men” (apparently “not Mine”) who wanted to rape a young man. The “good guys” dissuaded the men by giving them a virgin girl and another woman, so that the young man was not harmed, but the girl died. Because of this many others died, with the girl’s body ghoulishly being cut into 12 pieces (how? don’t ask!) and meted out to the 12 tribes. I was involved in all of this, some combination of causing and allowing.

So you can assume that in the War in which you were a non-combatant I favored “your side” in developing the atomic bomb first and then allowing two “drops” on Japan to end that war, with fewer casualties. If I am the Same God as in the time of the judges this is a reasonable conclusion. But if I Am a more “hands-off” God then it all happened “sans Me”. I continue to encourage you to see Me as an active Participant in today’s world dramas yet this means that I am not taking action (that I could take) to preserve the health of Earth. You see, don’t you, that it is not easy being God, in any of My Forms.

WED., JULY. 26, 2000, 9:05 AM

You and your morning group have now finished Judges, with those last 7 chapters offering you a rather vivid picture of Me, as Yahweh. In one way you accept the theological premise that I, as Almighty God, am Changeless… with no need to “improve” over the God of Samson’s time. On the other hand I have told you that I Am the Supreme Adapter, always with supreme Power but having infinite choices in how to display and use it. Thus I say that I Am Unchangeable, but this means . . .

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