A “Different” Pre-Christmas

FRI., DEC. 23, 1994, 11:12 AM

The Christmases over these last few years have been varied, certainly, and here you are in an historic Southern city, writing in the school room of these 3 grandchildren. It would have been good for you to have gone with the family on their shopping trip, but you also heard My suggestion that it was time for a Teaching, and this would be the ideal situation. As you know, sometimes offering yourself to Me means that some other uses of time and giving of yourself have to give way.

It is the Christmas season, but here it is rather warm and definitely raining. You don’t know what your home situation would be, but it is of no consequence, because you’re here, and this shall be your Christmas “place” this year. This is a home with much space and much potential, and you are pleased with the way your son Bob describes his work situation. In the Advent season it is good to look ahead with anticipation. A Child is born, and new spiritual power, new mystical energy, has come into this realm. Each Advent season it happens again, and the energy is not all dissipated during the year, so it does increase. Sometimes shopping for presents is evidence of this energy, but it also can be a negation. You are not completely comfortable with your lack of enthusiasm for present burying. It has some merit… but maybe another balance would be more satisfying.

You see, of course, that there was a reason for you not completing your/Our Ruminations before this trip. For you finally are encountering the Celestine message, and you were aware, very soon, that this is another part of “the wave”… that rising of spiritual consciousness which is Our theme for this Letter. You must make some reference to the story, and you’ll have room for that, but it is important that the bulk of this “presentation” come from Us, and not just a response to this spiritual tale.

As I’ve said repeatedly to you, the development and expression of this spiritual awareness and appreciation (and you do recognize these terms!) will be hard in your culture, with opposition from those entrenched, a motley but formidable foe. There is science, holding to measurable proof as the only standard for truth. There is technology that pushes for continued development of more, faster, more efficient… from autos to medications. New is always better. Sociologists note that this organized, urbanized, technology based life is properly dominant now, and shall continue to be. Economists have growth and production as their evidences of health. The electorate waffles back and forth between officials who favor the strong and those who want to give to those who has less.

FRI., DEC. 23, 1994, 11:12 AM

The Christmases over these last few years have been varied, certainly, and here you are in an historic Southern city, writing in the school room of these 3 grandchildren. It would have been good for you to have gone with the family on their shopping trip, but you also heard My suggestion that it was time for a Teaching, and this would be the ideal situation. As you know, sometimes offering yourself to Me means that some other uses of time and giving of yourself have to give way . . .

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