A Family Time?!

FRI., JUNE 25, 1999, 6:32 AM

The dining table in this old Farmhouse was crowded with family folk last evening, and all but one had the last name Russell. It was not the complete family, certainly, so you see that it would not be possible for all of your immediate… son’s… family to be around a table together. As you remember, as a child you had rather frequent “family” gatherings, but these numbered only nine, at most… usually only seven. Now you and Lenore are “responsible for” a much larger family, and will they ever be all together at one time and in once place? You consider it unlikely… and then… a “next generation” will begin.

Now recall another recent family time, as you and some of your sister’s family recalled the life of your Dad. It celebrated four generations – your Dad, just “passed,” your sister (your generation), two of her sons and one of yours, and… Lucy and Kate. Yet your Dad had come across, so you see that it is hard to maintain more than three generations, alive and functioning.

With Mabel still alive and semi-functioning Lenore’s “side” of the family still has four generations, but that remains “fragile.”

Only two of your sons were present last evening. The third was busy readying for a trip, and the other two have been with Me, in different lengths of earth time, but, actually, outside of time. You and Lenore are now the oldest generation, and even though you have outlived two of your five sons it shall, next, be time for you to come across and leave this earth scene to the coming generations.

For many people your age this is an unhappy thought. Earth life should continue, with years more of good functioning. And yet you could see, last evening, that your table could not have seated more than 4 more, and that would be crowded. And so you must see, as you do, rather clearly and often, that death is an essential part of life. Mabel must pass on in order that John Patrick and Debbie’s developing son may have a place at the table, without discomfort for all.

Earth’s most recent, publicized war began because of animosity between ethnic-religious groups, who lived together, but couldn’t get along. A leader with power decided that some of the “others” should die, and thus an Exodus began. (And now you re-read and study an earlier, more famous Exodus – one group oppressing and killing another is not new on this planet.) In an effort to “keep the peace” others were killed and injured, and much damage was done to “infrastructure”.

My, My… the “improvement,” in this “modern” age is that most of this destruction came from the air, bombs and missiles guided, mostly, to designated targets.

The “family of Man” does not always live together peaceably. But, yes, this is another way that “necessary deaths,” in My Big Picture, happen, in order that the right balance of life forms may be maintained. And, speaking of life forms, could some new strain of microscopic life… or the resurgence of an old, “beaten” one (such as smallpox)… become an unexpected threat to human life? Would I allow such to occur? What about My love for humans, with immortal souls?

As I have told you, while I do love humans, My greater love is for this unique place for life, the Earth. Thus, I have to exhibit “tough love,” in some variety of ways. I must not allow human life… and all that humans can now do in life… to damage the larger “picture” of life, the interdependence that, finally, makes human life possible.

FRI., JUNE 25, 1999, 6:32 AM

The dining table in this old Farmhouse was crowded with family folk last evening, and all but one had the last name Russell. It was not the complete family, certainly, so you see that it would not be possible for all of your immediate… son’s… family to be around a table together. As you remember, as a child you had rather frequent “family” gatherings, but these numbered only nine, at most… usually only seven. Now you and Lenore are “responsible for” a much larger family, and will they ever be . . .

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