A Fine Party

SAT., MAY 27, 2000, 6:38 AM

It was a surprise for your sister, Joanne, a celebration of her 70th birthday, amid friends and family, gathered without her knowing… and on your actual birthday. You have had good relations with all in this family…hers… and this was a unique time when Lenore was present and included also. As you know, I am quite in favor of family relationships, as one of the fundamental ways of gathering, in spirit.

In the Scriptures, I, Holy Spirit, am identified as being in quite a unique family – being One with Father God, and with Jesus Christ, the Son. We are One, and yet We also are separate. You know more about Me than do most Christians (even clergy). And I tell you (as often as seems necessary) that I am with you in all that you do, here in the earth. I have been with you in other realms and here in the earth in other times and places. And… for no great cosmic reason… I selected you to hear Me and to have Me as your Companion, in the last portion of this life, as Bob Russell.

You haven’t “deserved” such attention, but, finally, who does? I “work” when, where, how, and with whom I choose. (Oh, We do work together, so that, because of Me, you are “closer” to the Father and to the Son than you would be without Me, but this relationship was of My initiation. I am not “inferior” or “subject to” the Father or the Son. Voluntarily, I do what they want Me to do, but I can also act independently (though what I do is always approved by “My Family”).

You and Lenore… and Matthew, too… are part of this family here, the Hamamotos. You were part of “a fine party” that celebrated your sister’s reaching 3 score and 10. It was a large party, and many of the guests were unknown to you, but, on the other hand, there were more actual family members there than you could truly relate to. It was a fine time of remembrance, and you were included… as was Lenore, this trip.

This birthday, for you, is not one that is particularly “notable”, in numbers. (That is, 74 has no special significance). But you are here, alive, well, happy, and functioning, at the age when half of you males of this age (by birth) have moved out of the earth and on to other realms. As I have told you often, this earth cannot maintain its “health” if this human population (of which you are an elder part)… unless there are more deaths, or fewer births.

Considering this “dilemma”, that I have, thus far, allowed, the Hamamoto offspring have been more “responsible” than have yours. Two of their sons and one daughter have only two children each, and one son has none. In contrast, and I am quite aware of both numbers and personalities, you have 14 grand children, with one son having fathered 7. This doesn’t mean that I love those in small families more than those in larger ones. This is part of My dilemma – loving all of these children, but realizing the potential for great problems in their lifetimes.

Thus, I am coming to recommend that all human deaths be celebrated, somewhat like unto, the celebration of Joanne’s 70 years of life… and your 74 years. You and Lenore, she from a large family and you from a small one, had 5 sons, who have produced, in total, 14 grand-children. Joanne and Howard, both from small families, had four children, but these have produced only 6 for the next generation.

It is difficult (even for Me) to both value individual lives and foresee the problems increased human population will generate. You have a beloved little grandson, who is both a joy and a part of this dilemma. Peter had no children, and Matthew probably shall have none (and Mark?). This can be seen as tragedy… or as just one of the ways the balance of human life can be maintained, here on the earth, at this time.

SAT., MAY 27, 2000, 6:38 AM

It was a surprise for your sister, Joanne, a celebration of her 70th birthday, amid friends and family, gathered without her knowing… and on your actual birthday. You have had good relations with all in this family…hers… and this was a unique time when Lenore was present and included also. As you know, I am quite in favor of family relationships, as one of the fundamental ways of gathering, in spirit.

In the Scriptures, I, Holy Spirit, am identified as being in quite a unique family – being One with . . .

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