A Friendly Controversy

THURS., JAN. 16, 1992, 7:05 AM

You knew you were to come for this friendly chat this morning, but after waking early you were back to sleep. But My call became more insistent, and you are here now before the sunrise on this cold, clear winter morn. Yesterday began earlier, with breakfast and the beginning of a time of Bible study. The first session, after the decision of what to study, brought forth somewhat of a controversy, and you need My comments on that.

I’ll say first that you were reflecting rather well My Teachings to you. Although the Bible can be perceived and read, even studied, in several different ways, My favorite (I say to you) is the mystical. That is… it is a story of My relationship… as the Almighty and as the Father God, as Jesus the Christ, and as the Holy Spirit… with a people over about a 2,000 year period. So it is obviously in a different time, a different part of the earth, with customs some of which were quite different. And yet… the truths apply to you in middle-class American culture… and to people in other classes and cultures on this day also. You son Michael has been experiencing quite a unique form of Christian life, that has developed from these Scriptures.

So… if you accept the Bible as the supreme mystical text you will read it, and it alone for the truth that you can see. (For you, of course, you have Me as a “commentator,” and I am highly recommended.) Other commentaries are not necessary. The historical scene may be of interest, but it may be misinterpreted, for only certain people actually wrote. If you were writing a commentary you would have the privilege of interpreting the text in your own way. You could decide, as the author of yesterday’s writing did, that the epistle was written to Gentile Christians, even though it was address to Jews. In the mystical sense, this is quite unimportant. What is important is – does it speak to you.

So when the text says that those to whom it was written, with when and by whom of no-never-mind, are chosen and destined, then it is addressing you. You become a hearer, despite the context of the original writing. If a text speaks of slaves obeying a master, you could dismiss this as an admonition from another time… or, as John suggested, you can hear it as a message to you to do your work well… prepare well for your classes, as you did yesterday. So all that you did in your office yesterday could be seen as a response to Peter’s call for slaves to work hard.

The commentator says that this was written to those who felt alone and alienated. They weren’t Jews of the old tradition, but there was not yet a welcoming Christian community. There are Americans who feel this way, and thus it could speak directly to them. But you are not one of these. You are a comfortable Christian in a culture and a place that allows you to be thus comfortable. You are an active part of a church congregation, which gives you the confidence to join in with other Christian groups. You are chosen and destined… you know this and are as comfortable as you can be with it in a culture that favors free choice.

So as this study progresses continue to share your preference, calling this a mystical letter. It matters little whether it was written by Peter or someone else… to whom it was written… or the circumstances. The mystical nature of Scripture says that the truth in and of this epistle can shine forth for the small group gathered in a Presbyterian narthex on a winter morning, after corn flakes.

THURS., JAN. 16, 1992, 7:05 AM

You knew you were to come for this friendly chat this morning, but after waking early you were back to sleep. But My call became more insistent, and you are here now before the sunrise on this cold, clear winter morn. Yesterday began earlier, with breakfast and the beginning of a time of Bible study. The first session, after the decision of what to study, brought forth somewhat of a controversy, and you need My comments on that.

I’ll say first that you were reflecting rather well My Teachings to . . .

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