A Fun Meeting

SAT., JUNE 26, 1988, 4:55 PM

This is rather “unorthodox,” having two of these meditations in one day, but you did pledge to hear Me every day of this trip, and so you propose to have this one “count for” tomorrow. You knew I would have some comment on this extra “session,” the time with My servant, Cal. You were right. It was a fun meeting, and I was there, and am pleased to comment. Hear, o son.

It was good that you decided to arrange this meeting rather than go with the rest of the Conference to the new headquarters building. I see it, surely, as a beautiful building, and I suppose a foundation with goals for its resources as this one has has a “right” to have such a “palace.” Yet, fundamentally, I see use of monies in this way as not consistent with the theme of this Conference. Healing the earth is not going to come from spending on edifices of this nature. It is an example of what money can purchase and therefore a symbol of the disparity between the wealthy of your culture and most of the rest of humankind. There can be no ultimate peace until this “gap” stops increasing… even narrows somewhat.

Anyway, you were right in arranging this meeting, just another of the diverse Christian “comrades” that I lead you to meet. As you know, I highly approve of this Fellowship, and I have no objection to having some of your Ruminations on My joyful nature printed in their Noisletter. I shall quietly guide Cal in selecting what to print. And you be sure that you follow through with the promises of materials that you made to Cal. I want you both to become familiar with the writings of the other.

Accept this as another, and unique, affirmation that I am a joyful, playful Spirit. I have offered Cal and Rose a strange and wonderful ministry… to bring to Christian (and some others) evidence that there really is a fellowship of merry Christians, who simply need to be identified. This is not a movement away from any church, it just is a movement away from the notion that I am solemn and mirthless and toward the truth that I am the original humorist, holy as I am.

It was fun to have Cal appreciate this issue of Our joint publication… and to hear of the responses to his. You had no real desire to have such success with your letter, and that is as it should be. I do not desire that you build this into an onerous, expensive task. There will be some losses and some additions, but the circulation is about right for now. You may sigh with joyous relief!

As you know, I purpose for you to meet and become friends with special servants of Mine, as part of the fun of life. If you miss any such chance, it will come again, if it is important. This doesn’t take any miraculous manipulation on My part. I just have to be aware of all of the alternatives for your life, and then I work with what you decide… or, occasionally, I push you toward the decision I’d prefer. You could meet someone good at the Colorado conference, but if you decide not to go (which you may) you will meet that person in another place… or will meet someone else instead.

I truly enjoy the coming together of Christian servants of Mine, from different traditions, who have been called for some special service. Meetings such as this one today are unique, but the same thing could occur with someone in your own congregation or with someone you know in another way. I do not call you to be an obvious evangel, but I do expect you respond wholeheartedly when opportunities appear.

From My perspective the perspectives of seriousness and of fun are much like the yin/yang concept. No life situation is without its humorous component, as no joke or funny story is without its serious aspect. I can see persons dying who are experiencing joy in the last moments of life. And I also can see some who seem to spread fun and good will who contemplate taking their own lives.

Continue to look at stories from the Bible and from elsewhere as having some humorous quality. Know that no tragedy can befall you as long as your hand is in Mine. You needn’t smile and laugh if you don’t feel such desire, but know that you could, more often than you do. I am smiling much more often than most Christians, not in the Fellowship, would expect.

5:49 PM