A Fundamental Perception?

SAT., APR. 9, 1994, 6:04 AM

This passage in Acts, a part of the Pentecost story, presents a fundamental perception for all Christians. Or does it? Is this the way… or merely one way of perceiving what happened to Me, as Jesus, after the resurrection? Hear Me as I share some thoughts on this matter on a morning when you don’t need your stove… a morning with sparks of pain in your foot.

The first perception ( 6:14 / 6:18 ) is that I, as Jesus, was used by God here in the earth. The miracles I did drew attention to God and brought many to His service. Though this perception is all right I prefer the more mystical one that, as Jesus, I was God here in the earth. I also was God in the widest sense, for all of the earth, but, as Jesus, I was not just a body to be used, or a puppet to do God’s ( 6:24 / 6:25 ) will, but God Himself, here amongst humans.

A second perception is that My death came as part of a prearranged plan rather than as a result of Judas’ action and Pilate’s caving in to noisy Jews. It was “necessary” for Me to die, and this was the planned way… a legal execution. Again, the more mystical perception is that My death was planned, was the result of human action, and was a willful act on My part, as God in Christ. As God Incarnate, I chose to die in an ignominious way, a sacrifice for you and for all who would accept and believe.

Another perception is that My Body could not deteriorate, as earth bodies naturally do. I had to be resurrected bodily, symbolizing that even with the sin of the world and of all humans, in all times and places, taken upon Me, this Body would not deteriorate. Carrying the symbolism on I want you to perceive that My Body, the Church, also cannot die and deteriorate. Despite its problems and the dissensions that arise from diversity it still, mystically, has peace, unity, and purity.

While your physical body will not escape deterioration, as it dies, your spiritual body will be maintained as you move on beyond this earth plane. It will be yours to inhabit and use until it no longer is needed. This, too, is mystical, but it will be quite clear when it is yours to experience… and you’ll wonder why it is difficult to perceive and describe.

Another perception presented here is that God made Jesus into the Messiah… that He became the Messiah with His death and resurrection. The expanded perception is that, in addition to developing into and becoming the Messiah by His actions (which also are God’s), He was the Messiah all along and simply acted as the Messiah because that was Who He was.

Then there is the action formula for acceptance by God: turn away from sin, turn to God, be baptized in the name of Jesus, and receive the Holy Spirit, as a gift. Another expanded perception is that I, the Holy Spirit, also am active and not limited to reacting or responding to your initiatives. Before you have turned from sin I can touch your spirit, (7:00 / 7:02 ) symbolically baptize you and have you turn to Me, as the Father God. Then sin is no longer relevant, which is a mystical combination of your not doing sinful acts and not having apparently sinful acts “counted against you.” You don’t sin because I have taken your sinful nature upon Myself… and have not become a sinner because of this. And, hence, you “apparently” sin less and less.

SAT., APR. 9, 1994, 6:04 AM

This passage in Acts, a part of the Pentecost story, presents a fundamental perception for all Christians. Or does it? Is this the way… or merely one way of perceiving what happened to Me, as Jesus, after the resurrection? Hear Me as I share some thoughts on this matter on a morning when you don’t need your stove… a morning with sparks of pain in your foot.

The first perception ( 6:14 / 6:18 ) is that I, as Jesus, was used by God here in the earth. The miracles I . . .

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