A Gig On Aging

WED., APR. 22, 1998, 8:45 AM

Tomorrow you shall have an opportunity to speak to a group on aging, with your Wellsprings model as a means to understanding and action. You shall declare, I’m sure, that there is no perfect health balance for these six Wellsprings. Even healthy functioning and adapting will be different for different people… and for one person in different situations. And this is certainly true in those who are getting old… and are old.

Having said this, echoing what you will say, I’ll assert that, from My perspective, the key Wellspring is Human/Spiritual Interacting. It is for you, too, and, in this gig, you shall have no reticence in saying so. You’d better rehearse, so that you have plenty of time to say plenty about this Super Wellspring.

Deal with the other five as quickly as possible, showing how they relate to and affect the others. Start with Heredity/Karma, noting that actually reaching old age is evidence of some height to this ‘Spring. Metabolism of food is affected, as is muscular coordination and strength, with some combination of exercise and heredity. With a strong, well-functioning immune system (again affected by nutrition) it is easier to maintain a good internal ecological balance, so that infections, disease, and even cancers are less likely to develop.

External ecological balancing involves the physical environment and all forms of life except humans. Medicines and medical procedures are part of this Wellspring, helping some to keep a good balance, but the waste from a culture with much technology can be a detriment to healthy functioning… adaptation may be difficult.

You can work on these other Wellsprings, but you see how time can be eaten up by all of these supposedly fascinating interactional examples. Let’s consider first a prime example of the Human/Spiritual Interacting ‘Spring being high throughout life. A child is born wanted and loved. He learns, directly and by example, how to function well with people. He has graduated opportunities to interact with people, including interaction in a church family, learning to want and have a personal relationship with God.

As a teenager he is happy and successful in school, with activity in athletics, clubs, and musical groups. He searches for the right career and finds it, as a teacher, relating with people of all ages, as part of life. He marries a young woman who has similar values, in relation to family and to God… similar, but not identical. They have children and thus take on parental responsibilities, balancing these with relations with their own parents, siblings, other family members, church family and friends.

They deal, individually and as a couple who now are One, mystically, with disappointments and triumphs, with tragedies and wonderful surprises. They see their children learn, survive some rebellion against family values, settle on careers and marry, wisely and in love. Grandchildren come, and his love (our “main character”) now spreads over 4 generations. Deaths come, but there is assurance that life continues in realms of spirit.

As he lives on into old age he experiences loss of some physical functions, some pain, and some sadness with losses. Still, there is a joy in having lived this long, and increasing acceptance of the conditions of old age. As human interactions become more difficult relations with God and spirit realms become more natural. As awareness through sight and hearing diminishes, awareness and appreciation in the spirit become stronger and more real. In some situations these take the place of human interaction, while in others they enhance interplay with others.

While it can be difficult to relate equally well with four generations (even five for those who reach true old age) there are both attempts and acceptance of minimal success.

WED., APR. 22, 1998, 8:45 AM

Tomorrow you shall have an opportunity to speak to a group on aging, with your Wellsprings model as a means to understanding and action. You shall declare, I’m sure, that there is no perfect health balance for these six Wellsprings. Even healthy functioning and adapting will be different for different people… and for one person in different situations. And this is certainly true in those who are getting old… and are old.

Having said this, echoing what you will say, I’ll assert that, from My perspective, the key Wellspring . . .

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