A God For All Of You

WED., NOV. 19, 1997, 8:38 AM
A.S.C., F.P.C.

Focus on these 5 Psalms this morning took your group off to a wider consideration of Who and What I am as God. One of My enduring themes, with you, has been that I love diversity. I have created in ways that show this forth, and I have allowed, even encouraged, diverse variations in all forms of life… and in ideas, perceptions, and values. You shared one of My reminders to you, with the group… that the first Commandment warns that you shall have no other gods before Me… and that this clearly includes “a better God”, One with only the characteristics you admire and want Me to have.

I simply cannot be limited. These Psalms show this forth rather dramatically. I am gentle and benevolent… and then angry and destructive. I use heathen forces to punish My own loved people. I can calm the stormy seas, and I can devastate the productive land. Of course as you read this it seems strange that “in a short span of time” I can change so dramatically. So remember that I am outside of time and have little regard for time as you experience it. The fact that you can’t really comprehend this doesn’t alter its reality.

In the Hindu understanding of Me and My Presence I am Brahma, Who is not personified and is, finally, unknowable. There are other gods with whom you can relate, who have different roles and functions. Some Catholic Christians come close to this in relating to Mary and to some saints, those deemed “responsible” for different aspects of life.

On the other hand Jews, Moslems, and Unitarians see Me as One only, responsible for everything… not sharing My Deity-nature with anyone, ultimately. You Protestant Christians profess Me to be a Triune God – Creator, Sustainer God, Who is Father; Jesus Christ, the Teacher, and Sacrificial Lamb Who is Redeemer; and Holy Spirit, the “cleanup Nature” of God.

Then there are those who see and worship Me in the land, rocks, sky, rivers, seas… and in animals, even plants.

For some I am distant, powerful, and approachable only in liturgy. In contrast, others relate to Me quite personally… as Father God, as Jesus the Christ, or as Holy Spirit, like unto Our relationship. Some see Me as basically gentle and loving, while others still expect punishment for sins, of commission and omission. Some see this earth as a battleground, with Me and satan as the opponents. Many focus on evil deeds and happenings, and thus it appears that satan is more powerful than I am… and that all I can do, finally, is to destroy the earth and all that is therein… like unto bombing a village to save it from the hated Communists. From this perspective I am often frustrated and saddened, for, seriously, I want the earth to be an Eden and “it got away from Me.”

All of these are variant beliefs and perceptions, and I tell you that I encourage these differences. And… I tell you that I love this earth as a unique place for spiritual growth, I love the diversity that I have created and allowed, and I am, finally, the ultimate Power, with control over all forces in the earth… and… beyond… I like competition, so I have created and encourage such.

What any of you may call tragedies are a part of earth life. You are aware of this before you, as spirit, take human form, but you must give up such knowledge for a true earth interaction. Until you begin to “see through the game” and realize what “life” is, here and beyond.

WED., NOV. 19, 1997, 8:38 AM
A.S.C., F.P.C.

Focus on these 5 Psalms this morning took your group off to a wider consideration of Who and What I am as God. One of My enduring themes, with you, has been that I love diversity. I have created in ways that show this forth, and I have allowed, even encouraged, diverse variations in all forms of life… and in ideas, perceptions, and values. You shared one of My reminders to you, with the group… that the first Commandment warns that you shall have no other gods . . .

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