A God For All “Seasons”

THURS., MAY 11, 2000, 9:02 PM

You have finished, and now must have typed and printed, another Number of Our Ruminations. It is a good one… not the best… but good. You are pretty faithful in coming for these Teachings, and, though a bit late, also faithful in this special “send-out” task.

Your major “conclusion”, from the Scriptural passages on these three Biblical men, was that I, as the Triune God, in My several “manifestations” was rather variable in how I “was” and how I affected others.

My relations with these men covered a period of over 1400 years, and it would be nearly 2,000 more to bring you up to the present. You certainly recognize and appreciate changes that have occurred in your lifetime, and as you read history you note that even in the 500 or so years since this country was “settled” there have been many changes.

But what about Me, as God, as Christ, as Holy Spirit? Haven’t I always been the “same”, through all of these ages? Well, I’m afraid it’s another of My favorite “both/ands”. It is truth that I “Am the Same, yesterday, today, and forever”. It also is truth that if I am to be a God for all persons, in all situations, in “all seasons” I have to show forth quite a range of attitudes and behaviors. I have told you, quite often, that I love diversity, and I have great capacities to be “as I need to be”, for the benefit of you humans and of this total earth scene.

I also have told you often that, in Biblical times, I had no need to be concerned about the earth’s environment nor about an excessive human population. At some times the environment was threatening, and lives were shortened by lack of food, shelter, and capacity to adapt to micro-organisms. The balances of life and life forms was rather “natural”… or I would say ecological, with the most adaptable living the longest and reproducing so that life would continue.

But now life, in your developed land and in most of the earth’s countries, tends to be longer, though with some of the same dangers… and many more. You know that I, in My Triune, “Form” Am the God of your culture (even as I have to share the allegiance of many with the economic and political systems and with secular individualism.) I Am your God Who blesses you all in your prosperity, and am even given credit for the “good times”.

But I also Am the God of poor folk and of the untalented and unskilled. I hear quite different prayers from folks, even in your culture who see and find life different than you do. And you know that I am quite accepting of the wide range of approaches to Me – from independent charismatics to Pentecostal congregations, to democratic, semi-liturgical churches, on to the quite liturgical “orthodox”, traditional approaches to Me. And this is all just in the Christian family. It is almost impossible for some Christians to accept that “in My Father’s house are many mansions”, meaning that “in these mansions” are an even wider diversity of humans, approaching and coming to Me (and I to them) in an incredible variety of ways and styles.

You know something about Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam… and each of these has “many rooms in the ‘mansion’ they occupy”. I have created quite a variety of humans, and I call My self quite a competent Creator. I have the capacities to be the God each group has identified, for I can come in an incredible number of “ways”. I’ve gotten used to the squabbles over differences among “religions”, and because of My most “agreeable” Nature I encourage more love, acceptance, and cooperation than strife, competition, even hate. And, by now, it doesn’t bother Me, much, to have a particular religion… or church… bad-mouth others, if the reasons are “right”. (And this means… “we love the Lord in our way, find it satisfying, and want you to share it with us.”)

I hear prayers in many languages and dialects, asking for help and thanking Me for blessings realized. I see the strengths and the weaknesses in the many approaches to Me… and even in the ways in which I am denied or rejected.

THURS., MAY 11, 2000, 9:02 PM

You have finished, and now must have typed and printed, another Number of Our Ruminations. It is a good one… not the best… but good. You are pretty faithful in coming for these Teachings, and, though a bit late, also faithful in this special “send-out” task.

Your major “conclusion”, from the Scriptural passages on these three Biblical men, was that I, as the Triune God, in My several “manifestations” was rather variable in how I “was” and how I affected others.

My relations with these men covered a period of . . .

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