A God For Everyone?

WED., MAY 3, 2000, 8:58 AM

As your morning breakfast/discussion group moves through the Book of Numbers, the continuing story of My “chosen people”, you are frequently reminded of how apparently “different” and “diverse” I can be. I Am, of course, the Holy Spirit, and I was part of this Hebrew story, but there was little note of Me. I was Yahweh, the One God, and I certainly can “do that” well. But it is, finally, impossible to define and delimit Me, in My various “modes”.

This story was “enacted” and written down several thousand years ago. It is a strange… and somewhat heroic… tale of this “chosen people” and Me. You can’t really imagine that I wasn’t at least aware that these folks, even as they were “chosen” and informed of this election, wouldn’t be able to appreciate My help and maintain their allegiance to Me. (Did they love Me? I didn’t seem to be regarded as One loveable.)

I was being faithful to them, with an ever-changing mixture of justice and mercy. I berated them. I forgave them. They expected both, and “so it is”, even today. I have no need to be what you might interpret as “consistent”. As they “failed Me” in some way or ways (some of these seemingly designed to produce failure) I often was angry (and smote a few!?), but when I sensed repentance… in response to exhortations by Moses… I would forgive… but I knew, of course, that this would be repeated.

Consider your own case. You are committed to sequestering yourself several times each week to receive Teachings from Me. I have called you to this, and elected you for this. There are a relatively few people who know about this and accept it, for what you claim it to be. So it brings you little acclaim… but also very little “persecution” for claiming such a close relationship. It is satisfying, but somewhat time-consuming. But WHY would the God of Earth and Heaven and All There Is call you to such a relationship? What would happen if you just didn’t come as often… became sporadic… was, finally, unfaithful to this call of yours? Yes, o son, you are “free” to test this out. But what might you gain, in comparison to what you would lose?

The perception of Me that seems most “true” is as both a multi-faceted Spirit and One Spirit quite compatible with your lifestyle. I manifest Myself in an incredible number of “ways” for the spirits embodied in the earth AND for disembodied spirits in other realms. As this Numbers story suggests, I can be stern and punishing (even causing deaths, presumably deserved), and I can be meek and humble… and variations of these polar “Beings”.

But do I want everyone to “see Me this way”? No, indeed. I have created quite a variety of spirits, particularly those who incarnate in earth bodies. This means that I have to be able to come in wonderfully indescribably diverse ways. Just as there is quite a range in how worship is “organized” and conducted for Christians, there is an even greater range in those who come to Me in non-Ch ( 9:46 / 9:49 ) Christian ways. I even “sponsor” and encourage some good servants to disparage others, of equal commitment, though different. And I also encourage those who live comfortably with diverse perceptions of Me and My Ways. And I allow some to deny Me and then take the consequences as an earth life ends. It just wouldn’t be as much fun to have only One Way, with pressures for all humans to perceive Me and My desires in a “standard way”.

I led you to be a boyhood Methodist and then an adult Presbyterian. But I then tugged at you and proclaimed that you could also be a mystic – one who hears Me directly and writes what is heard. This is an incompatible combination, but… Congratulations! You are doing rather well with this “election”.

WED., MAY 3, 2000, 8:58 AM

As your morning breakfast/discussion group moves through the Book of Numbers, the continuing story of My “chosen people”, you are frequently reminded of how apparently “different” and “diverse” I can be. I Am, of course, the Holy Spirit, and I was part of this Hebrew story, but there was little note of Me. I was Yahweh, the One God, and I certainly can “do that” well. But it is, finally, impossible to define and delimit Me, in My various “modes”.

This story was “enacted” and written down several thousand years . . .

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