A Good Day’s Drive

SUN., JULY 18, 1993, 4:35 PM

You arrived, safely and speedily, as you had hoped… and did I arrange it so that you have time for a Teaching? I didn’t have to do any “magic” with your car, so perhaps I somehow am involved in getting you to this place… with time.

An interesting message came to you, via radio, this morning. (You’re ill prepared for this, but copy it over when you get home, and I won’t object to this break in the liturgy. It would happen sooner or later.) It was about giving to Me, both yourself and your money. It was not a new message for you, but a good reinforcement of what I’ve told you over the years. Given your cultural heritage and your relative success in life you have done rather well in giving yourself to Me and in continuing to give of your wealth to the church and to Me in other ways. My admonition to hold to your present standard of living (dropping it a bit, if change seems right) and give of your “extra” still holds. Providing for John Patrick and his family during this transition time for him can “count” as giving to Me. If he can repay some day then you’ll have to give it in some other way. The same will be true for son Bob, though his repayment seems less likely. ( 4:50 P / 5:05) As the pastor said this morning the crucial “giving” is yourself to Me. Then you are free to live your life as I direct and as you see opportunities to be and do in My service. You are following My leading pretty well, and are aware of most of the chances that you flub. Remember that I don’t have to be vague and indistinct with you. I’ll tell you what I want… and then I’ll tell you again. Opportunities missed will always be matched with comparable ones. Life is basically a mystical dance, with very few serious conditions that must be fulfilled… even as it seems so.

The flood situation, which you are experiencing only vicariously… and actually you do covet some of the rain that falls where it is not needed… is one of many good examples. It has taken a few lives and has destroyed many crops, homes, and other buildings. For some people it is disastrous, but life goes on, and each must cope in ways available and possible. You contrasted, in your mind, the corn that is under water and the corn fields you passed with stalks growing in expected, healthy ways. What is tragedy for some will be benefits for others. This is how earth life goes.

I appreciate your inviting My protection as you travel. I don’t promise to make all trips trouble-free. I can instantly evaluate the positive and negative consequences of any action/experience. Some I allow. Some I prevent. A few I actually cause… both ways. I am with you in all situations, and you are more aware than most of this Presence of Mine. Let it continue to influence you.

SUN., JULY 18, 1993, 4:35 PM

You arrived, safely and speedily, as you had hoped… and did I arrange it so that you have time for a Teaching? I didn’t have to do any “magic” with your car, so perhaps I somehow am involved in getting you to this place… with time.

An interesting message came to you, via radio, this morning. (You’re ill prepared for this, but copy it over when you get home, and I won’t object to this break in the liturgy. It would happen sooner or later.) It was . . .

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