A Good Life!

FRI., FEB. 4, 2000, 7:35 AM

It is important for you, o son, to acknowledge, more frequently, that this life you are living is GOOD! Every now and again you will raise your arms toward “Me in Heaven” and affirm the goodness of this life you have lived, as Bob Russell… and that you still are living.

You have enjoyed all of the “home places” in which you have lived, since childhood, and you realize that this “Farm-place,” where you have been for 27 years (by the calendar), has been ideal for this last portion of your physical being. Yet you wonder whether you will be able to “manage it” as the losses of old age accumulate. And, if not, what would a good alternative be?

You knew, early in your adult life, that Lenore was to be your special life partner. Your life together has not always been completely harmonious, but you love and appreciate each other… and you each have to give up some of your “individuality” for life to be the best, for both of you.

You can’t remember having any clear “vision” of how many children you would have or how your family life would be. As you look back now you see a balance of joys and sorrows, which I see as “ideal” for earth family life. There were plenty of joys in being the father of these 5 boys, even as sometimes you felt other emotions. I led you into a career which had to be “built” during the same years that being a good husband and father demanded time and attention.

So… you joyed in the births and in the times of childhood. Then, as you have heard Me tell you often, a good life must have balances, and so you and Lenore had some teenage years to experience. And, then, there was the death of Peter… a short life without the chance to develop as a man… but giving you a personal base for the most successful course you were to develop, with unique opportunities to talk about spirit, in the best years of your teaching career.

Often, now, you stop in and linger briefly on the hillside that for you is Peter’s Park. Pete died, and that was tragic, but he is rustically remembered in that special portion of the Farm.

You have not yet completely “come to terms” with Michael’s death. As you should, you focus on the good life he had, with his family, his craft, and his Church… yes, it was mostly good. His body, strong as it was, just didn’t last as long as yours has… as yours won’t last as long as your Dad’s did.

Now I am helping you see that Michael’s life was fuller than Peter’s, and your life has been fuller than Michael’s, but that you needn’t experience the slow deterioration (particularly in the joy of living) that you saw in your Dad.

Most importantly, you are enjoying a slow closure on a fine career, a rather gradual change in tempo and content to your life. Your cancer offers you a prime opportunity to appreciate these last years of this physical life. And My Teachings to you, over these 20+ years, assure you that life goes on, in even a “gooder” way than a longer, harder time here.

Despite all the “hype” about how wonderful life will be, for humans, in this new century, you know… that I know… there must be some “re-balancing,” some of which will be perceived as terrible. If the increase in human life and human activity is not abated, the earth… and I… must respond and help establish a better balance to… and rhythm of… life on this earth.

FRI., FEB. 4, 2000, 7:35 AM

It is important for you, o son, to acknowledge, more frequently, that this life you are living is GOOD! Every now and again you will raise your arms toward “Me in Heaven” and affirm the goodness of this life you have lived, as Bob Russell… and that you still are living.

You have enjoyed all of the “home places” in which you have lived, since childhood, and you realize that this “Farm-place,” where you have been for 27 years (by the calendar), has been ideal for this last portion of . . .

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