A Good Time… To Live…

WED., MAY 17, 2000, 11:18 AM

… here in the earth! Yes, o son, you are quite aware, as you read about Biblical times and also the earlier years of this country, that this time, the 20th century, has been an almost “ideal” time to be a male here in the earth. In these B.C. years life was “harder” and more “limited”, but your era began with a minimum of “machines” (as compared even with now) and “progressed” to more and more dependence on such. You realize that your lack of computer skills marks you as “old” and “out of date”. Thus far this hasn’t bothered you much. You just accept that you are “old enough to be old”.

There are certain television programs that you enjoy, but you’re rather selective… not just watching to be watching. You remember having some radio programs that were favorites, and these then lost out to television, but you feel no need to have “cable”. It was a fairly easy transition to television, but when you returned for a brief time in Hawaii it was not available there, yet… but it didn’t seem to be a hardship. You are living quite comfortably, with television, but have few urges to spend more time with this medium.

You haven’t “progressed” to e-mail or even the communication by WebTV. Perhaps you will, but, rather, I would urge you, yet again, to give more attention to hand-written letters… or at least cards. Electronic mail has some advantages, but… and you have a fine site for this life… it’s doubtful that you’ll learn how to use it comfortably. Just do what you can do.

Back to your “site”… you have enjoyed most… if not all… of the places you’ve lived, but this Farm is certainly ideal for this time in this life. You need to continue to see the “chores” as good, needed exercise, and you do want to live your remaining years in as fine a “health” as possible. You have opportunities, most days, to mow or trim some. Let that be your ideal, rather than doing the yard work “all at once”. And do appreciate the seasonal shifts from lawn and garden to firewood gathering and cutting.

Goals… what about goals? Should you continue to have some, short and long-term? I say Yes, as long as you’re not compulsive or too ambitious. Well, I’ll allow some degree of “compulsion” in relation to these Teachings. You “expect” 3 or 4 a week, and that’s quite do-able, but you realize that some weeks are easier than others. I do want you to hear Me and write these Teachings and send out 4 Ruminations a year. That’s still possible, so, yes, do feel some compulsion about these “assignments”.

The other main goal is to keep your Farm, your home place, looking reasonably neat. Should you have fewer animals? You decide that, when care for them (which they “deserve”) begins to seem like a “chore”. I want you to feel like you’re sharing life with these “lesser creatures”… like they’re “companions” in this last part of this life “journey”. (Yes, you should even miss Mohammed Ali!)

A week from today I’ll be with you on a flight to Hawaii (you can expect to hear from Me, of course.) It is “a good time to live”… when it is easy to return over those 4,000 miles to a place of some importance in your life. As electronic developments seem “destined” to change ways of teaching, you can recall the rather simple “tools” that you used in those Punahou days, with not much further “progress” as your career continued… and ended… here. You taught, quite essentially, with your personality, and you feel pleased… and proud… that you were able to do this. There’s no need to criticize the more “modern” methods. They (some of them, at least) have merit, but yours were fine, in “their day”.

The accounts of My actions, as Yahweh God, do cause you to consider if some more drastic means to reduce the present and future human population are in the “offing”. If I’ve done it before, I can surely do it again. So, yes, do perceive the “news of the day” (with its regularly-reported “tragedies”) as certainly including Me, as a direct or an indirect cause.

WED., MAY 17, 2000, 11:18 AM

… here in the earth! Yes, o son, you are quite aware, as you read about Biblical times and also the earlier years of this country, that this time, the 20th century, has been an almost “ideal” time to be a male here in the earth. In these B.C. years life was “harder” and more “limited”, but your era began with a minimum of “machines” (as compared even with now) and “progressed” to more and more dependence on such. You realize that your lack of computer skills marks you as “old . . .

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